On Nov 23, 8:44 am, "ahmet alper parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,I want to integrate Opensees program into Sage. How can I do that? It is
> extending the tcl language with its own commands. Its site 
> ishttp://opensees.berkeley.edu. If anyone has something tp comment on this
> issue, they are welcome.
> Regards...

There are lots of possibilities here, with tradeoffs in the amount of
work required, the ease of use, the execution speed of the resulting
system, the level of capability, etc.

The easiest would be if you don't need all the capabilities of
OpenSees.  If you only need to run one (or a few) kinds of simulations
(but with many different sets of parameters, say), then you could
write a little TCL/OpenSees program for each kind of simulation that
takes the parameters on the command line, runs the simulation, and
then prints out the results; then you could write Python wrappers for
each of these programs.  In Sage, this is similar to how sage/
interfaces/phc.py and sage/interfaces/rubik.py work.

If you want to support existing OpenSees users (who are familiar with
TCL), you could have an interface where you write your OpenSees TCL
scripts, and then a little wrapper runs TCL/OpenSees, sends over the
entire TCL script, and reads back the results.

If you want to hide the use of TCL altogether, and provide a Python
interface to all the capabilities of OpenSees, then you might be able
to build on sage/interfaces/expect.py .  This is how the Sage wrappers
for Mathematica/Maxima/Magma/etc. work; there are underlying objects/
values in the system you're wrapping, and Python objects that
correspond to these underlying objects.  Each operation on the Python
objects is actually sent to the underlying system and performed there;
then a new Python object is created to represent the result (which is
actually kept in the underlying system).

If you're willing to put in a lot more work for better performance (or
if tkinter just works), you could build a wrapper that links to
libtcl, so that you would have your Python interpreter and your TCL
interpreter in the same process.  Then each TCL object would be
wrapped by a Python object, much as in the previous case; but you
wouldn't have to worry about cross-process communication.  This is how
Sage's libpari interface to Pari works.  This is also, I think, how
Python's tkinter tcl/tk-based graphics toolkit works.  I don't know
enough about tkinter, but it's possible that you could use the tkinter
support to run OpenSees programs with very little extra work.

For vastly more extra work and some extra performance, you could fork
OpenSees and replace the TCL bindings with Python.  I haven't looked
at the OpenSees source, so I don't know how hard this would be.  This
is similar to Sage's pynac, which is a fork of GiNaC modified to use
Python data structures.

Hope this helps.

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