On Jan 12, 6:06 am, "Alex Ghitza" <aghi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > One more remark: In the presentation you gave by yourself you claim
> > that Sage ships "cylon" on one of the last slides :)
> Not surprising.  Our (secret) goal *is* world domination, after all.

Darn it, not everybody knows :)

The same thing came up at SD 8 and we were starting to think about a
new Cython logo, i.e. one with the C in a glowing red like the spine
of a Cylon. But there weren't any core Cython people at the meeting
and I doubt they could be convinced to adopt the new logo anyway. But
one can dream .....



> --
> Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne --
> Australia --http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/
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