On Feb 25, 11:34 am, Burcin Erocal <bur...@erocal.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:53:48 -0800
> William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I received this question from a potential Sage developer.  Any
> > thoughts?
> > "Hi William.  I notice that the package Polybori is included with SAGE
> > now.  I know that Polybori (at least for the moment) uses the package
> > CUDD (for binary decision diagrams), and includes it in the package.
> > Do you know if there's a direct SAGE interface to parts of CUDD
> > already there, or, if not, is someone thinking about it?  If not, I
> > might be interested in working on that."
> There is no direct interface to CUDD, at least not in the PolyBoRi
> wrappers. You can see the code for the wrappers in the files:
> c_lib/include/pb_wrap.h
> sage/libs/polybori/decl.pxi
> sage/rings/polynomial/pbori.p{yx,xd}
> The last one (.pyx) is the most interesting.
> Cheers,
> Burcin

On a general note it might be nice to split CUDD and the boost bits
from PolyBoRi at some point. The current PolyBoRi also contains a copy
of m4ri, so if someone works on this it would be nice to resolve the
problems all at the same time, not that I am volunteering to do it :)


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