On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Florent Hivert
<florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr> wrote:
>> Then "x in P" means that there is a safe conversion from the parent of
>> x to P.  If this is actually a coercion, then you don't even have to
>> run it; if it's a conversion, then you do have to run it, to test that
>> the conversion is defined on x.  "x == y", "x<y" will find a safe
>> coercion to a common parent if one exists; otherwise it will find a
>> safe conversion.  If a conversion is used that fails, then the
>> comparison is false.
> This preceding rule is not always true: I know many counter example.
> To begin with
>    sage: x = int(2)
>    sage: type(x)
>    <type 'int'>
> Of course x has no parent:
>    sage: x.parent()
>    ...
>    AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'parent'
>    sage: x in ZZ
>    True
> So your rule "there is a safe conversion from the parent of x to P" does not
> specify why we should answer yes. I fill being some lawyer in pointing out
> that but I think we must use extra care when using conversion/coercion from
> basic type to construct elements.
> Another example to show that the example is not as trivial as it seem:
>    sage: l = [3,2,1]
>    sage: l in Permutations()
>    True
>    sage: l in Partitions()
>    True
> Cheers,
> Florent

The paragraph you quoted was part of a very rough proposal for a way
that Sage's coercion might be changed in the future; it's definitely
not how it works now.

Also, the way coercion is implemented now, int(2) does have a parent;
it's just not available at the .parent() method:

sage: parent(int(2))
<type 'int'>


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