Hi Alex!

Just a mini-warning so that we don't stomp on each other's foot: I
made a couple very minor changes in the schemes code for the
categories (essentially in the parent's constructors/import lists). I
also moved the corresponding categories in separate files. You may
want to double check categories-nt.patch on

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:56:41PM +1100, Alex Ghitza wrote:
>    Hi folks,
>    Before conspiracy theories on the subject get fully developed, let me give
>    an overview of things that transpired at Sage Days 14 and the plan of
>    dealing with them.
>    1. in preparation for my talk, I spent a significant amount of quality
>    time with the schemes/ directory, attempting to categorise the various
>    types of algebraic-geometric objects that Sage knows about, and exactly
>    how much Sage can do with them; in addition to this, various participants
>    played around with Sage and ran into bugs/questionable behaviour/not
>    implemented basic features.A  The conclusion of all this is that while
>    some objects have extensive and well-tested functionality (e.g. elliptic
>    curves, and to a lesser extent hyperelliptic curves), the code in schemes/
>    needs some love.A  Doctest coverage needs to be brought up to 100%.A  Easy
>    yet not implemented features need to be put in.A  Bugs need to be fixed.A 
>    This is a prerequisite to part 2 below, and to attracting algebraic
>    geometers to use Sage for their research and teaching.
>    2. in the discussion sessions, as well as informal conversations, a
>    plethora of requests for enhancement has emerged.A  This is listed in a
>    rather summary fashion at
>    http://wiki.sagemath.org/AlgebraicGeometrySEP
>    A couple of topics are expanded upon with sample syntax, etc.
>    The natural question is: what are we going to do about these points?A  I
>    will personally start by focusing on 1; this is what Justin meant by
>    "cleaning up the old code".A  I see this as a gradual process, and for my
>    part I will strive to make it as non-disruptive to others as possible: my
>    emphasis will be on documentation and examples, on fixing broken
>    behaviour, and only if absolutely necessary on modifying current working
>    behaviour.A  I will try to work on one aspect at a time so that few files
>    are touched by any single patch.A  Also, whatever I work on will be
>    clearly indicated on trac so that if others want to join in the fun we
>    don't end up duplicating our efforts.
>    Of course design questions should and will be discussed publicly.A  I'm
>    not convinced sage-nt is the correct venue for this, and I'm also not
>    convinced there should be a sage-ag.A  I'll probably just post to
>    sage-devel and cc to sage-nt in those cases where the questions are of
>    interest to number theorists (e.g. elliptic or hyperelliptic curves).
>    I'll be happy to have some company in this endeavour, whether it is in the
>    form of direct work on points 1 and 2, or suggestions, or refereeing of
>    patches, or more testing and bug reports, or precisely formulated
>    enhancement requests.
>    Best,
>    Alex
>    --
>    Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne --
>    Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/
>                               Nicolas
Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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