> New page since a couple of days:
> http://sagemath.org/tour-graphics.html ... I want to expand this
> (double or more) .. any ideas? If so, please send me the code and a
> short description. What's especially missing is 3d stuff, diff
> equations, vector fields or just "combinatorial"/"coding theory"
> things like bitfields or things like the gröbner fan plot.

I put this on a diffeq test and thought it looked cool.  It takes a few 
seconds to generate the phase plots, though.

sage: var("x,y")
(x, y)
sage: exact_eq=2*x^2*y+x*sec(y)+e^(-2*y)
sage: resolution = 10
sage: slope_field=plot_slope_field(-diff(exact_eq,x)/diff(exact_eq,y), 
sage: phase=sum([implicit_plot(exact_eq+i,(x,-3,3),(y,-2,3.5), 
plot_points=resolution*20, cmap='bone') for i in [-22..22,step=2]])
sage: show(slope_field+phase, aspect_ratio=1)

You can adjust the resolution above to make things go faster (resolution 
  smaller = faster)

You can also adjust the cmap above from 'bone' to other 
matplotlib-allowed values to get color images.

Thanks for doing this!


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