
Here's the Sage doctest coverage status:

We need  296 more function to get to 68% coverage.
We need  756 more function to get to 70% coverage.
We need 1905 more function to get to 75% coverage.

We will have a docday this Saturday, with the insanely ambitious goal
of getting to 70%.  This is probably not humanely possible for a
single person to do in 8 hours, so I hope I'm not the only one (I
estimate it takes *at least* 3 minutes per doctest, which comes to
37.8 hours for 756 doctests).

I'm going to list some ideas for code to "hit", which have bad
coverage and for which there will be a big payoff.

schemes/generic/morphism.py: 2% (1 of 40)
modular/modsym/manin_symbols.py: 2% (2 of 68)
interfaces/kash.py: 3% (1 of 30)
probability/random_variable.py: 3% (1 of 30)
rings/extended_integer_ring.py: 4% (6 of 128)
rings/pari_ring.py: 4% (1 of 22)                          # could this
be deleted???
structure/formal_sum.py: 4% (1 of 22)
interfaces/cocoa.py: 4% (1 of 23)                      # delete this,
it doesn't work yet
interfaces/reduce.py: 4% (1 of 23)                     # delete; it doesn't work
plot/plot3d/base.pyx: 5% (4 of 78)
plot/tachyon.py: 8% (5 of 58)
rings/morphism.pyx: 8% (3 of 35)
structure/generators.pyx: 11% (5 of 45)
categories/pushout.py: 12% (9 of 73)
rings/laurent_series_ring.py: 13% (3 of 23)
plot/plot3d/shapes.pyx: 16% (5 of 31)
gsl/probability_distribution.pyx: 20% (4 of 20)   # has a nodoctest at
the top of file.  very scary!
schemes/elliptic_curves/monsky_washnitzer.py: 23% (25 of 107)    #
doctests here find bad things often, e.g., a bug in FLINT!
modular/hecke/ambient_module.py: 26% (9 of 34)
modular/modsym/ambient.py: 26% (26 of 97)

The above would be 874 doctests, which would solidly get us over 70%.

I've avoided code above that is being refactored, or rumored to be
refactored, or rewritten or whatever.  This is all
stuff that just needs to get coveraged.


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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