I think I worded myself badly in the previous post. I see now that its
a design decision to use this syntax

USAGE: ``attach file1 file2 ...`` - space-separated
        list of .py, .spyx, and .sage files.

instead of ``attach file1 arguments`` (this is the ipython syntax).
You are right obviously, only one of those can work, so forget about
the argument passing.

Here is a more concise version of the problems I see (unless i am
doing something wrong):

1)``load "home/rado/.sage/test space.py" `` doesn't work in a
notebook, works in prompt
2)``load test1.py test2.py`` doesn't work in prompt, works in notebook

I can fix 2) at $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/misc/interpreter.py
but actually I need a fix for 1) since I keep my files with folders
with spaces. Since prompt works with files with spaces, it shouldn't
be too hard to make the notebook work with those too, right?!?

I will keep digging around to find which file causes 1).


On Apr 24, 8:48 pm, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Apr 24, 6:24 pm, Rado <rki...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> Hi Rado,
> > I was trying to load some python files and found some weird behaviour
> > of the load/attach commands. I have three test files
> > (a normal file) /home/rado/.sage/test.py
> > (a file with space in the name) /home/rado/.sage/test space.py
> > (a file to take arguments from command line) /home/rado/.sage/
> > testarg.py
> > In sage prompt:
> > sage: cd /home/rado/.sage
> > sage: load test
> > File 'test' not found ...
> > sage: load test.py
> > Works
> > sage: load test space.py
> > Works (and probably shouldn't so it can enforce quotation marks)
> No, this was explicitly fixed since it was requested by users. I think
> if you add spaces to file names you have it coming, but I think it was
> worth fixing it.
> > sage: load "test space.py"
> > Works
> > sage: load testarg.py arg1
> > File 'testarg.py arg1' not found ...
> Why would that even work? The attach doctstring says:
>         USAGE: ``attach file1 file2 ...`` - space-separated
>         list of .py, .spyx, and .sage files.
> So arg1 is not going to get passed as an argument. The error message
> should probably be specific and tell you that arg1 cannot be found.  I
> am also not sure of the fix that allowed spaces in filenames does not
> break the attach command for multiple files.
> <SNIP>
> > Hope this shows the inconsistency in the execution of load/attach in
> > prompt and in notebook. What also worries me is that both fail at
> > passing arguments to the scripted called. I feel that that the ipython
> > %run syntax is the best (of course the decision is up to the
> > developers).
> > I found the code for the prompt in ~/sage-3.4/local/lib/python2.5/site-
> > packages/sage/misc/interpreter.py and looked over it. I know enough
> > python to understand the code there, and I can purpose a patch (once
> > its decided how exactly this should work).
> The code you want to edit is in $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage. Once you
> have done changes you need to exit Sage, run sage -b and restart Sage
> to have the changes go live. (you can also run ./sage -br to build any
> changes and then start Sage).
> The files in devel/sage are in a mercurial repo, if you need some more
> pointers here let us know.
> > I don't know where to look for the notebook interpreter code.
> I have no clue, but I would expect it to use the same code as the Sage
> command line interface.
> > Rado
> Cheers,
> Michael
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