On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 1:44 PM, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> 3.4.1.rc0 ought to drop in the next 18 hours, so if you want something
> in and still need it reviewed you ought to hurry up.

Assuming that you mean 3.4.2.rc0:  I have two patches up that need
fairly simple reviews:

- #5479 is 10 lines of code and a bunch of doctests.  it has to do
viewing a prime ideal of R as a point of the scheme Spec(R)
- #5820 is really trivial: 3 lines of code and some doctests.  it adds
a missing method for comparison of coercion ring morphisms.


Alex Ghitza -- Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne
-- Australia -- http://www.ms.unimelb.edu.au/~aghitza/

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