mabshoff wrote:
> Hello folks,
> the final release for 3.4.2 is done and sources, the upgrade bits and
> a sage.math binary are in the usual place at
> I was cocky and labeled the release 3.4.2 instead of since
> I am pretty confident we won't need another 3.4.2 release. The final
> release contains more changes than I wanted, but I feel that all of
> the changes have been well tested and should not cause any trouble
> (famous last words). Should a show stopper bug pop up we could do a
> really small 3.4.3, but I hope this won't be needed.
> I am already building my 4.0.alpha0 merge tree and the time to get
> everything done as planned is definitely tight. Alpha0 should drop
> fairly quickly since there is plenty of material in trac ready to go
> in, i.e. unless something goes wrong in the next 24 hours.
> Please build, test and report issues as usual.

On Fedora 9, 32 bit upgraded from alpha0 -> rc0-> sage-3.4.2
and on Fedora 10, 32 bit upgraded from rc0 I get tons
of failures with prime_pi, e.g.:

sage -t  "devel/sage/sage/functions/prime_pi.pyx"
line 74:
     sage: prime_pi(7)
Exception raised:
     Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/home/jaap/Download/sage-3.4.2.rc0/local/bin/", line 
1231, in run_one_test
         self.run_one_example(test, example, filename, compileflags)
       File "/home/jaap/Download/sage-3.4.2.rc0/local/bin/", line 
38, in run_one_example
         OrigDocTestRunner.run_one_example(self, test, example, filename, 
       File "/home/jaap/Download/sage-3.4.2.rc0/local/bin/", line 
1172, in run_one_example
         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
       File "<doctest __main__.example_3[2]>", line 1, in <module>
         prime_pi(Integer(7))###line 74:
     sage: prime_pi(7)
       File "prime_pi.pyx", line 175, in 
sage.functions.prime_pi.PrimePi.__call__ (sage/functions/prime_pi.c:1101)
     NotImplementedError: computation of prime_pi() greater 2**40 not 
line 76:
     sage: prime_pi(100)
Exception raised:


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