jyr <jyr2...@googlemail.com> writes:

> def test_calc_factlist(nn):
>     r"""
>     Function calculates a list of precomputed factorials in order to
>     massively accelerate consequetive calculations of the various

Typo.  And maybe say "future" instead of "consecutive"?

>     Calculate list of factorials:
>         sage: test_calc_factlist(10)
>         [1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880, 3628800]
>     """
>     _calc_factlist(nn)
>     return _Factlist

Maybe "return _Factlist[:nn+1]" to ensure that the test passes even
if other tests run which create a larger _Factlist?  

>     This function uses the algorithm of [Edmonds74] to calculate the
>     value of the 3j symbol exactly. Note that the formula contains
>     alternating sums over large factorials and is therefore unsuitable
>     for finite precision arithmetic and only useful for a computer
>     algebra system [Rasch03].

Do you have a specific example illustrating what you mean by the last
sentence?  I've done lots of calculations of theta symbols which contain
a similar sum.  For these, if I use long double's in C, I retain good
precision even for fairly large arguments.

And I've found that floating point is also fine for 6j symbols.

>     higher symmetry releations that the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient.

Typo                  ^^^^^^^^^^

>     prec - precission, default: None. Providing a precission can

Only one s in "precision" (twice here and also in other places).

Probably worth running the file through a spell-checker.


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