Jason Grout wrote:
> Ondrej Certik wrote:
>> It even mentions my, Prabhu and Jaap's work on getting mayavi working
>> in the sage notebook. Cool, it cost me several sleepless nights at the
>> Siam conference. Here is the updated howto for getting it working in
>> Sage/SPD:
>> http://code.google.com/p/femhub/
>> but I think it still fails to build on Mac (mainly due to VTK).

Well, it does build on the Mac but seems to require a framework build. I 
wish there were a faster mac machine we could build this on or maybe I 
should work on my patience. :)

> Um, yeah, that comment was by me.  Sorry I posted anonymously...  I 
> couldn't pass up the opportunity to publicize Sage and the cool Mayavi 
> work that you guys have done.  Hopefully someone saw it and clicked the 
> links.
> I've shown the VRML Mayavi stuff you guys did to several people.  I 
> think it's really cool and that we ought to pursue it more.

Many thanks for doing that!  BTW, is the little patch to embed the .x3d 
files in the notebook applied, should I submit a ticket?


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