On Jun 22, 11:46 am, Rob Beezer <goo...@beezer.cotse.net> wrote:

> 2.  I very often use   search_src('def foo(')  to discover where, and
> how, the function  foo  is implemented.  Might not be obvious to those
> who are new to Python, yet still want to explore the code.

> 4.  It took me a while to discover that  devel/sage  is a symlink to
> whatever branch/clone is currently "active."  Especially at first when
> I'd see, for example,  devel/sage/sage/misc/latex.py  and I really
> didn't know why the sage needed to be repeated.  Add in the sage-main
> directory to enhance the initial confusion.  So the notion that  sage -
> b myclone   changes this symlink to "sage-myclone" is a helpful thing
> to know.

Both of these are also addressed by the "edit" function, which takes
an object and tries hard to open an editor on the appropriate source
file and line number. It does try to substitute "devel" paths where
appropriate. It helped me to quickly get to the right part of the
source tree in some cases. It may be worth pointing out the existence.

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