Many kudos for this!

Honestly, I don't actually know whether it means that much, but at
this point I think that it could be useful for us to follow
Mathematica in defining two different functions: Heaviside which is
undefined in 0 and that is defined as the function whose derivative is
the Dirac Delta ( see
) and UnitStep, which is the piecewise version of this function, so
it's numerically defined everywhere. It would be great if one could
possibly change the desired value in 0.

I think it doesn't hurt now to carry on both, because it shouldn't be
that difficult to merge them in future if we don't see any usefulness
in having them separated.

I can see that Maple use Heaviside undefined in 0, and then let the
user the chance to convert it to a piecewise function if desired. This
looks a bit unfriendly to me, and doesn't bring any real advantage.

By the way, how do we represent Dirac Delta? I know that it's not
defined in 0, but I want to point out an example. Please, remember
that the Fourier transform of any periodic function (although the use
of the transform is not proper in case of periodic functions, I know)
is formed by the summation of Dirac Deltas at different location in
the frequency spectrum, and I would love to have a graphical
representation of the spectrum of a signal. So, do you think we can
find a convenient way of plotting delta? I don't know much of them,
but I'm sure there are many similar physical problems, that would take
advantage of plotting deltas.

Thanks again


On 23 Giu, 19:02, Golam Mortuza Hossain <> wrote:
> Thanks David, Tim, Burcin!
> Correct me if I have missed your points. With your suggestions
> here is the new conventions for Heaviside and unit step
>  (2) Heaviside:
>     (a) represented as:   "heaviside"
>     (b) latex name     :    "\theta"
>     (c) heaviside(0):  will return symbolic expression "heaviside(0)"
> (3) unit_step = heaviside  (Just an alias)
> >> Will, for example, sin(t)*unit_step(t) be defined?
> >> If so, will you provide a plotting and _latex_ method for it?
> > I really hope so.
> These functions are sub-class of PrimitiveFunctions of new
> symbolics. So many methods are predefined. For example,
> I didn't write any code for plotting but it works.
> Here is a screenshot from my Sage notebook.
> Hopefully, it answers some of your questions. I am still working
> on integration algorithm.
> Cheers,
> Golam
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