The following off-list exchange between Rob and Rado preceded Rado's
first post to this thread.  I apologize for mis-paraphrasing Rado's
remarks, Rob's response to which Rado has, in some respects, already

Rob Beezer wrote:
> Radoslav Kirov wrote:
>> [about an editor window that communicates directly with the server]
> Yes, this is more what I have in mind.  But why not have the editor open
> as a method call on the graph?  This would make the import button
> unnecessary, and there could be several windows open at once for several
> different graphs.  In a way you would be binding the window to the
> graph, as a sort of property, I guess.
> I think Jason is thinking larger and is looking for a framework that
> will also allow for things like equation editors, or maybe pallettes for
> symbols, that sort of thing.
> Radoslav Kirov wrote:
>> [about the disadvantage of opening a window just for quick changes,
>> plus the potential overhead of real-time client-server communication]
> I hadn't considered the communication cost to a remote server.  But then
> I don't think it has to be that expensive.  I would not send the
> "dragging" information for a vertex, or highlighting a vertex for an
> edge change.  I would send: vertex addition, vertex removal, new vertex
> location, edge addition, edge removal.  As minor local changes, its not
> much information, and if the Graph class doesn't have the right methods
> to deal with them, we can add them.  and they probably only happen at
> the rate of every few seconds.

Rado wrote:
> Alright, it was a struggle debugging javascript (i feel sorry for the
> people that have to code in it for a living), but finally I am done
> with the hook between the graph editor and sage notebook. Here is the
> first prototype:
> 1) get
> 2) exact all files in %sage_dir%/local/notebook/javascript/
> graph_editor/
> (create that folder it wont be there)
> 3)open a notebook and run
> load %sage_dir%/local/notebook/javascript/graph_editor/
> (replacing sage_dir with your sage directory)
> or just copy/paste the file in question
> 4)try
> g=graphs.PetersenGraph()
> graph_editor(g)
> A few known bugs(limitations):
> - update button only updates the cell text, its up to you to hit
> "evaluate" to send the new data to the server (can't do much about it,
> since i dont want to mess with the server-side code).
> - update puts graph named g by default.
> - the remove edge by draggin only works in the iframe box
> I agree with Jason that with the power of js these days, we can make
> many cool plug-ins for SAGE (like the graph editor;) ). However,
> practice it was quite a struggle to get this to work (it took me
> almost as long to make it work with SAGE as to write the thing).
> We have to decide how would plug-ins work:
> 1)Make a basic API for plug-ins to communicate directly with SAGE
> server in some generic form (i think JSON is a standard for that
> although i never used it). Currently, the server is made to talk only
> to a cell because it spits out things like cell id and such.
> ~or~
> 2)Force all plug-ins go through updating cells first (like the
> graph_editor does now for lack of alternative) by jquery trickery. I
> dont like that this ties any client implementation with the notebook,
> which is already quite heavy machinary (i stared at for quite
> some time). But then again this is already working, so no rewrite
> needed.
> Also, does anyone know a more graceful way of passing variables to an
> iframe other than the current href="graph_editor?" ?

Some ways, not necessarily graceful...

Pushed by the parent, if the timing is right:

var push = function (data) {

Or call a frame's function:


A somewhat safer alternative:

var ifr = $('<iframe> ... </iframe>');
ifr.bind('load', function () { push(data) });

But 'load' can fire too early in Opera.  A generic probabilistic workaround:

setTimeout('push(data)', 1000);


var wrap = function () {
setTimeout(wrap, 1000);

Another way, pulled by the frame:

    data = $('#textarea1', top.document).val();

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