Hi Burcin,

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Burcin Erocal<bur...@erocal.org> wrote:

> If you share your code creating an SFunction called 'integral', I can
> produce patches for Sage and pynac to special case that function when
> computing derivatives. (Much like what is done for Order in the pynac
> code right now.)

Thanks for looking into this. I am attaching prototype integration
class and integration code for generalized function that you can play with.
Sub-classing integration from SFunction class, makes few thing really
easy. For example numerical approximation .n() works like a charm
sage: integrate( exp(x)/x, x, 1, 10)
integrate(e^x/x, x, 1, 10)

sage: integrate( exp(x)/x, x, 1, 10).n()


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Symbolic Integration

    * Golam Mortuza Hossain (2009-07-08) 

#       Copyright (C) 2009 Golam Mortuza Hossain <gmhoss...@gmail.com>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL v2+)
#                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
from sage.symbolic.function import SFunction, sfunctions_funcs
from generalized_function import generalized_function_integrator

def maxima_integrator(*args, **kwds):
    Maxima Integrator
    from sage.calculus.calculus import integral as maxima_integral
    # Ask maxima_integral to raise NotImplementedError if it fails
    # to integrate, so that other algorithm can be tried.
    kwds['raise_error'] = True
    return maxima_integral(*args, **kwds)

def sympy_integrator(*args, **kwds):
    Sympy Integrator
    from sage.calculus.calculus import integral as sympy_integral
    kwds['algorithm'] = "sympy"
    # Check whether sympy could evaluate the integral
        return sympy_integral(*args, **kwds)
        raise NotImplementedError, "Sympy failed to integrate"

# List of integrator
integrator_list = \

class SymbolicIntegration(SFunction):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):

        kwds['built_in_function'] = True

        for name in sfunctions_funcs:
            if hasattr(self, "_%s_"%name):
                kwds['%s_func'%name] = getattr(self, "_%s_"%name)

        SFunction.__init__(self, "integrate", *args, **kwds)

        #from sage.symbolic.pynac import register_symbol
        #register_symbol(self, self._conversions)
    def _eval_(self, *args, **kwds):
        Returns the results of symvolic evaluation of the integral

        for integrator in integrator_list:
                return integrator(*args, **kwds)
            except NotImplementedError:
        return None

    def _evalf_(self, f, x, a, b, **kwds):
        Returns the results of numerical evaluation of the inetgral
        from sage.calculus.calculus import nintegral
        return nintegral(f, x, a, b)[0]

    def _print_latex_(self, f, x, a=None, b=None, **kwds):
        Return LaTeX expression for integration of a symbolic function.
            sage: from sage.calculus.calculus import _integrate_latex_
            sage: var('x,a,b')
            (x, a, b)
            sage: f(x) = function('f',x)
            sage: _integrate_latex_(f(x),x)
            '\\int f\\left(x\\right)\\,{d x}'
            sage: _integrate_latex_(f(x),x,a,b)
            '\\int_{a}^{b} f\\left(x\\right)\\,{d x}'
        from sage.misc.latex import latex
        # Check whether its a definite integral
        if a is not None:
            return "\\int_{%s}^{%s} %s\\,{d %s}"%(latex(a), latex(b), latex(f), latex(x))
        # Typeset as indefinite integral
        return "\\int %s\\,{d %s}"%(latex(f), latex(x))

    def _diff_derivative_(self, F, var):
        Return derivative of symbolic integration
        op = F.operands()
        f = op[0]
        x = op[1]
        a = None
        b = None
        if len(op) == 4:
            a = op[2]
            b = op[3]
        if a is None:
            if x._derivative(var) != 0:
                return f*x._derivative(var)
                return f._derivative(arg).integral(x)
        elif x._derivative(var) != 0: # dummy variable is same as arg
            return 0
            return f.subs(x==b)*b._derivative(var) \
                 - f.subs(x==a)*a._derivative(var) \
                 + f._derivative(var).integral(x,a,b)

integral = integrate = SymbolicIntegration()
Symbolic Integration of Generalized Functions

This module performs symbolic integration when its integrand
contains at least one generalized function.

    * Golam Mortuza Hossain (2009-06-25) 

#       Copyright (C) 2009 Golam Mortuza Hossain <gmhoss...@gmail.com>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL v2+)
#                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

import math, operator
from sage.functions.generalized import dirac_delta, heaviside, unit_step
from sage.rings.complex_interval_field import ComplexIntervalField
from sage.symbolic.operators import FDerivativeOperator
from sage.symbolic.pynac import I
from sage.symbolic.ring import SR
from sage.misc.functional import integrate

#  Symbolic integration algorithm where the integrand involves 
#  at least one generalized function such as dirac_delta, 
#  heaviside, or unit_step.

# List of generalized functions
gf_list = [dirac_delta, heaviside, unit_step]
# List of step functions
sf_list = [heaviside, unit_step]

def generalized_function_integrator(f, x, a=None, b=None, **kwds):
    Integrate expression involving generalized functions
    # Expand the integrand
    f = f.expand()
    # If f is in sum form "f1 + f2 + ..." then evalute them separately.
    f_op = f.operator()
    if f_op is operator.add:
        ans = SR(0)
        flist = list(f.iterator()) 
        for subf in flist:
            if a is None:
                ans = ans + subf.integral(x, **kwds)
                ans = ans + subf.integral(x, a, b, **kwds)
        return ans
    return _evaluate_integral(f, x, a, b, **kwds)
gf_integral = generalized_function_integrator

def _evaluate_integral(f, x, a, b, **kwds):
    Computes integral when the integrand contains a
    generalized function
    subf = _get_gf_from_integrand(f)
    if subf is None:
        raise NotImplementedError, "No generalized function " + \
            "found in the integrand"
    elif x not in subf.variables():
        raise NotImplementedError, "Variable of integration " + \
            "is not in args of generalized function"
    # Remaining integrand
    #fx = f.subs_expr(subf==1)
    fx = f/subf
    op = subf.operator()
    # Indefinite integral
    if a is None:
        if op in sf_list:
            return _heaviside_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x)
            return _dirac_delta_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x)
    # Definite integral
        if op in sf_list:
            return _heaviside_definite_integral(fx, subf, x, a, b)
            return _dirac_delta_definite_integral(fx, subf, x, a, b)

#  Integration involving Dirac delta function

def _dirac_delta_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x):
    Computes an indefinite integral when the integrand contains 
    dirac_delta function


        sage: from sage.symbolic.integration import gf_integral
        sage: gf_integral(dirac_delta(x), x)    

    op = subf.operator()
    # Check for derivative operator
    if isinstance(op, FDerivativeOperator):
        ndiff = len(op.parameter_set())
        ndiff = 0            
    # The argument of dirac_delta(g(x))
    gx = subf.operands()[0]                
    roots = _get_all_real_roots(gx,x)
    # -=: Evaluation algorithm :=-
    # Using integration by parts once 
    # "integrate(f(x)*D[n]dirac_delta(g(x)), x)" evaluates
    # to "fx*D[n-1]dirac_delta(g(x))" 
    #  - "integrate( f(x).diff(x)*D[n-1]dirac_delta(g(x)), x)"
    # where "fx = f(x)/g(x).diff(x)"
    # This process is repeated until it reduces to the form
    # "integrate(fx*dirac_delta(g(x)), x)". Using the definition
    # of Dirac delta this integration then evaluates to
    # "sum(integrand, over roots of g(x)==0)" where
    # "integrand = fx/g(x).diff(x).abs()|x=x_i"
    ans = SR(0)
    gderiv = gx.diff(x)
    # if ndiff > 0 then use integration by parts
    if ndiff > 0:
        for j in range(1,ndiff+1):
            fx = fx/gderiv
            dd_factor = dirac_delta(x).diff(x,ndiff-j).subs(x==gx)      
            ans = ans + fx*dd_factor
            # We apply derivative for next steps
            fx = -fx.diff(x)
    # the Dirac delta part
    integrand = fx/gderiv.abs()
    for xi in roots:
        ans = ans + heaviside(x-xi)*integrand.subs(x==xi)
    return ans

def _dirac_delta_definite_integral(fx, subf, x, a, b):
    Computes definite integral when integrand contains 
    dirac_delta function
    # Use indefinite integral
    indef = _dirac_delta_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x)
    return indef.subs(x==b)-indef.subs(x==a)

#  Integration involving Heaviside step functions

def _heaviside_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x):
    Computes an indefinite integral when the integrand contains 
    heaviside step function
    # Using integration by parts
    if fx == 1:
        fxint = x
        fxint = fx.integral(x)
        if "%s"%(fxint.operator()) == "integrate":
            raise NotImplementedError
    gx = subf.operands()[0]                
    newfx = gx.diff(x)*fxint 
    newsubf = dirac_delta(gx)
    term2 = _dirac_delta_indefinite_integral(newfx, newsubf, x)
    return heaviside(gx)*fxint - term2

def _heaviside_definite_integral(fx, subf, x, a, b):
    Computes definite integral when the integrand contains 
    heaviside step function
    gx = subf.operands()[0]                
    # If gx < 0 at both limits then certain heuristic can
    # determine whether integration is zero
    if bool(gx.subs(x==a) <= 0) and bool(gx.subs(x==b) <= 0):
        # if gx is linear
        if gx.diff(x,2) == 0:
            return SR(0)
        # Check whether any root lies in between the limits
        roots = _get_all_real_roots(gx,x)
        no_zeroes = True
        for xi in roots:
            if bool(xi > a) and bool(xi < b):
                no_zeroes = False
        if no_zeroes:
            return SR(0)    
    # Now try using indefinite integral
    indef = _heaviside_indefinite_integral(fx, subf, x)
    return indef.subs(x==b)-indef.subs(x==a)

#          Helper functions

def _get_gf_from_integrand(f):
    Get the generalized function from the integrand. If not
    found then return None. Dirac delta gets the precedence.
    f_op = f.operator() 
    if f_op in gf_list:
        return f
    elif f_op is operator.mul:
        flist = list(f.iterator()) 
    elif isinstance(f_op, FDerivativeOperator):
        flist = [f]
        return None
    # Go through the list to see whether it has generalized functions in it    
    stepf = None
    for subf in flist:
        op = subf.operator()
        # Check also for derivative operator of Dirac delta
        if op is dirac_delta or isinstance(op, FDerivativeOperator) \
            and op.function() is dirac_delta:
            return subf
        elif op in sf_list:
            stepf = subf
    return stepf

def _get_all_real_roots(gx, x):
    Get all real roots of the equation gx==0
    # If gx is linear (most common usage) then avoid 
    # using .roots() as it invokes maxima and that slows down 
    if gx.diff(x,2) == 0:
        b = gx.subs(x==0)
        a = gx.subs(x==1)-b 
        roots = [(-b/a, 1)]
            roots = (gx==0).roots(x)
        except RuntimeError:
            raise NotImplementedError
    valid_roots = []
    for rt in roots:
        n = rt[1]
        # Multiplicity
        if n > 1:
            raise ValueError, "\'%s\' has root with multiplicity > 1"%(repr(gx))
        xi = rt[0] 
        if _root_is_complex(xi):
    return valid_roots

def _root_is_complex(x):
    Check whether the root is complex
        approx_x = ComplexIntervalField()(x)
        if bool(approx_x.imag() == 0):      # x is real
            return False
            return True
    #if x.has(I) is True:
    #    return True
    return False

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