Hi David,

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:19 AM, Dr. David Kirkby<david.kir...@onetel.net> wrote:
> John H Palmieri wrote:
>>> I tried arguing this one before, but I appeared to have lost.
>> No, last time you seemed to agree with it -- see the previous thread:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/b3e57f934ee83c79?tvc=2
>> As far as the new suggestion ("WARNING ...") I really don't like all-
>> caps unless there is a good reason for using them.  Unless we have
>> evidence that the current warning is inadequate, I would prefer to
>> leave it as is.
>>   John
> I don't think I exactly agreed with it, but accepted it. My words were
> "It's better I feel. It makes the point a bit more."
> The 'better' was relative to an earlier version, which was even less
> obvious.
> Personally I feel you can not make the warning too obvious. It needs to
> be very obvious, since it is important. Therefore personally I feel the
> use of all capitals is better.
> Timothy Clemans clearly preferred my version. Minh Nguyen said I was
> "hurting his ears" on that thread, which I take as meaning he was not
> keen on the use of all the capital letters (I can't say I asked him).

I find that words in all capitals are much harder to read than words
with title case. My comment about "hurting my ears" was in relation to
using all capitals to denote shouting out loud. One of the down sides
of text-based communication is that one needs to first think through
what is to be communicated. But even so, once the message is sent, it
can be difficult for a reader to decipher the mood of the writer. This
reminds me of a recent BBC story about Archbishop Vincent Nichols
criticizing social networking websites, texting and emails:


Minh Van Nguyen

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