Hi folks,

This is a source release of Sage 4.1.1.

Sage 4.1.1 was released on August 14, 2009. It is available at


* About Sage (http://www.sagemath.org)

Sage is developed by volunteers and combines over 90 open source packages.
It is available for download from www.sagemath.org and its mirrors in
source or binary form. If you have any questions and/or problems,
please report them to the Google groups sage-devel or sage-support.
You can also drop by in #sage-devel or #sage-support in freenode.


The following 56 people contributed to this release. Of those, 13 made
their first contribution to Sage:

 * Adam Webb [first contribution]
 * Alex Ghitza
 * Anders Claesson [first contribution]
 * Andrew Mathas [first contribution]
 * Bill Cauchois
 * Bill Hart
 * Burcin Erocal
 * Chris Wuthrich
 * Craig Citro
 * Dag Sverre Seljebotn [first contribution]
 * Dan Drake
 * David Joyner
 * David Kirkby
 * David Kohel
 * David Loeffler
 * David Roe
 * Emily Kirkman
 * Evan Fosmark [first contribution]
 * Francis Clarke
 * Franco Saliola
 * Georg S. Weber
 * Golam Mortuza Hossain
 * Hamish Ivey-Law
 * Harald Schilly
 * Jaap Spies
 * Jason Bandlow
 * Jason Grout
 * Jens Rasch [first contribution]
 * John Cremona
 * John Palmieri
 * Karl-Dieter Crisman
 * Marshall Hampton
 * Martin Albrecht
 * Mike Hansen
 * Minh Van Nguyen
 * Mitesh Patel
 * Nathann Cohen [first contribution]
 * Nick Alexander
 * Nicolas M. Thiery
 * Paul Zimmermann
 * Peter McNamara [first contribution]
 * Rob Beezer
 * Robert Bradshaw
 * Robert Miller
 * Ron Evans
 * Sebastien Labbe
 * Simon King
 * Simon Morris [first contribution]
 * Steven Hartke [first contribution]
 * Taylor Sutton [first contribution]
 * Tim Abbott
 * Tim Dumol [first contribution]
 * Tom Boothby
 * Vincent Delecroix [first contribution]
 * William Stein
 * Yann Laigle-Chapuy

Release Managers

 * Minh Van Nguyen
 * William Stein

* Major Features, New Spkgs and Bug fixes

 * Improved data conversion between NumPy and Sage
 * Solaris support, Solaris specific bug fixes for NTL, zn_poly,
 * Upgrade/updates for about 8 standard packages
 * New optional packages: openopt, GLPK, p_group_cohomology

For all the details of what else changed in Sage 4.1.1, please see the
release tour in the Sage wiki at


* Bug Statistics

We closed 165 tickets. For details see


or check out the closed ticket section at the end of the announcement.

* Upcoming Release

The upcoming release is Sage 4.1.2. This will be a bug-fix release. We
also intend to merge as many features as possible.

* Doctesting Coverage

Ticket #877 changes the way the docstring coverage is
counted. Previously, the docstring coverage script also counted functions
that are local to other functions. In this manner, the docstring
coverage for Sage 4.1 is:

Overall weighted coverage score:  77.8%
Total number of functions:  22398

With ticket #877, nested functions or functions local to other
functions are no longer counted towards the docstring coverage. This
results in a reduced number of functions, hence we have the following
statistics as a result of #877:

Overall weighted coverage score:  78.3%
Total number of functions:  22210

Using the docstring coverage technique from ticket #877, in 4.1.1 we
increased coverage by 0.3%, while adding 120 functions:

Overall weighted coverage score: 78.6%
Total number of functions: 22330

* Closed Tickets:

#4614: automatically add md5sums for source tarballs to the web site
#4630: bug in functions real() and imag().
#4725: bug in number field conjugate function, now dealt with
#5175: pari error is thrown when computing Bessel function J0(0)
#5420: imag(complex(0,1)) gives TypeError (easy)
#5587: input of hexadecimal integers is corrupted
#6508: make installing extcode depend on mercurial
#6675: doctest failure in sage/misc/sagedoc.py

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.final:

#6645: Mitesh Patel: make sure bdist of sage-4.1.1 works before
release [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6684: Minh Van Nguyen: warnings when building reference manual in
Sage 4.1.1.rc2 [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6687: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/algebras
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6688: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/calculus
[Reviewed by Burcin Erocal]
#6689: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/categories
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6690: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/coding
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6691: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/combinat
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6692: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/crypto
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6693: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/databases
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6695: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/ext
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6696: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/finance
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6697: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/functions
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6698: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/games
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6700: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/geometry
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6704: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/graphs
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6708: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/groups
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6711: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/gsl
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6712: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/interfaces
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6713: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/lfunctions
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6714: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/libs
[Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6715: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/logic
[Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6717: Burcin Erocal: Sage 4.1.1.rc2: doctest failures in
sage/symbolic/expression.pyx [Reviewed by Georg S. Weber]
#6718: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/matrix
[Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6721: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/media
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6722: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/misc
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6723: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/modular
[Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich]
#6724: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/modules
[Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich, Mitesh Patel]
#6725: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/monoids
[Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich]
#6726: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/numerical
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6727: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/plot
[Reviewed by Marshall Hampton]
#6728: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under
sage/quadratic_forms [Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6730: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/rings
[Reviewed by Francis Clarke]
#6731: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/schemes
[Reviewed by Chris Wuthrich]
#6732: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/server
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6733: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/sets
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6734: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/stats
[Reviewed by Mitesh Patel]
#6735: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/structure
[Reviewed by Marshall Hampton]
#6736: Minh Van Nguyen: spell-check all modules under sage/symbolic
[Reviewed by Marshall Hampton]
#6738: Minh Van Nguyen: typo in spkg-install for atlas spkg [Reviewed
by William Stein]

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.rc2:

#6674: Minh Van Nguyen: only use ASCII characters in patches [Reviewed
by Nathann Cohen, Alex Ghitza]

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.rc1:

#5793: Nathann Cohen: New algorithm for Max Clique in Graph class
using Cython [Reviewed by Robert Miller, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6143: Jason Grout: Upgrade tinyMCE to [Reviewed by Mitesh
Patel, Marshall Hampton]
#6243: Burcin Erocal: hashes for derivatives of symbolic functions
w.r.t. different variables are the same [Reviewed by Golam Mortuza
#6355: Nathann Cohen: Cliquer to compute maximum cliques [Reviewed by
Robert Miller]
#6377: Burcin Erocal: exp(x) is broken at x=Infinity and x=-Infinity
[Reviewed by Golam Mortuza Hossain]
#6401: Burcin Erocal: Typesettings of real() and imag() are broken
[Reviewed by Golam Mortuza Hossain]
#6404: Burcin Erocal: Typeseting for conjugate() of symbolic function
is inadequate [Reviewed by Golam Mortuza Hossain]
#6491: Simon King: Modular Cohomology Rings of Finite p-Groups
[Reviewed by David Joyner, William Stein]
#6508: William Stein: make installing extcode depend on mercurial
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6602: Nathann Cohen: GLPK for Sage [Reviewed by David Joyner]
#6622: Bill Cauchois: substitution of a dict into a symbolic
expression modifies the dict [Reviewed by Burcin Erocal]
#6632: Steven Hartke: bug in blocks_and_cut_vertices() of a graph that
occurs when vertex 0 is a cut vertex [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6649: Georg S. Weber: doctest failure in decorate.py (on OS X only)
[Reviewed by Marshall Hampton, David Joyner]
#6656: John Palmieri: fix latex method for laurent series element
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6658: Dan Drake: digits() claims it defaults to base 2, but it
defaults to base 10 [Reviewed by Tim Dumol]
#6661: Simon King: Misleading warning message of _expect_expr() at
KeyboardInterrupt [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.rc0:

#4460: Mitesh Patel: add link to PDF manuals in doc/html/index.html
[Reviewed by John Palmieri, Minh Van Nguyen]
#5081: Robert Bradshaw: Make numpy play nice with Sage types [Reviewed
by Jason Grout]
#5653: Tom Boothby, Evan Fosmark, John Palmieri, Mitesh Patel: display
docstrings in the notebook using html and jsMath [Reviewed by William
Stein, Minh Van Nguyen, John Palmieri]
#6251: Dan Drake: LogoutResource in sage/server/simple/twist.py
doesn't really log you out [Reviewed by William Stein, John Palmieri]
#6302: William Stein: make openopt an optional spkg [Reviewed by David
Joyner, Harald Schilly]
#6506: Robert Bradshaw, Jason Grout: further numpy type conversions
[Reviewed by Jason Grout, Robert Bradshaw, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6542: Marshall Hampton: tachyon ouput seems broken in sage-4.1
[Reviewed by Tim Dumol]
#6554: Jason Grout: plotting sparse matrices converts the matrix to a
dense matrix [Reviewed by David Joyner]
#6639: Peter McNamara: Documentation for Lyndon words [Reviewed by
Jason Bandlow]
#6644: John Palmieri: fix doctest error for lazy_attribute and
abstract_method [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.alpha1:

#877: John Palmieri: "sage -coverage" should not care about functions
which are local to other functions/methods [Reviewed by William Stein,
Harald Schilly]
#2737: Jason Grout, Mike Hansen: add balanced_sum to Sage [Reviewed by
Robert Bradshaw]
#3001: Dan Drake: sage ignores custom environment variables [Reviewed
by William Stein]
#3686: Tim Abbott: trivial problems in extcode.spkg [Reviewed by Adam Webb]
#3687: Tim Abbott: trivial problems in the sage_scripts spkg [Reviewed
by Adam Webb]
#3688: Tim Abbott: trivial problems in the sage spkg [Reviewed by Adam
Webb, Minh Van Nguyen]
#3689: Tim Abbott: trivial problems in the examples spkg [Reviewed by Adam Webb]
#4571: Robert Bradshaw, Dag Sverre Seljebotn: merge sage's numpy.pxd
with the cython numpy.pxd [Reviewed by Robert Bradshaw, Dag Sverre
Seljebotn, Minh Van Nguyen]
#5133: Burcin Erocal: improve the coverage of ext/multi_modular.pyx
from an abysmal 0% to something more respectable [Reviewed by Martin
#5617: John Palmieri: Delete the reference to solve_linear [Reviewed
by Minh Van Nguyen]
#5625: John Palmieri: group cohomology -- bad error messages; should
indicate an optional package is needed [Reviewed by David Joyner, Minh
Van Nguyen]
#6071: David Loeffler: Weight 1 Eisenstein series [Reviewed by William
Stein, David Loeffler]
#6307: Mike Hansen, Tom Boothby, Robert Miller: Move javascript out of
python-land [Reviewed by Tom Boothby, Minh Van Nguyen, John Palmieri]
#6310: John Cremona: optional doctest failure [Reviewed by William Stein]
#6374: Craig Citro: Fix race condition in sage build process [Reviewed
by Georg S. Weber]
#6381: John Cremona: bug in integral_points when rank is large
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6407: Hamish Ivey-Law, Tom Boothby: Multiplication-by-n method on
elliptic curve formal groups should use the double-and-add algorithm
[Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6438: Robert Bradshaw: Upgrade to Cython 0.11.2 [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6453: Paul Zimmermann, David Kirkby: MPFR test failures on Solaris 10
update 4 on host 't2' [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6504: Marshall Hampton: Add doctests to toy_buchberger to get it to
100% [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6528: David Kirkby: PolyBoRi ignores CXX and passes Sun flags to GNU
C compiler [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6536: David Loeffler: Constructor in
sage.rings.number_field.order.Order calls a method of the wrong class
[Reviewed by William Stein]
#6552: Jason Grout: bug in depth-first searching [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6553: Jason Grout: fast slicing of sparse matrices [Reviewed by Rob Beezer]
#6558: David Kirkby: Be more selective in patching ATLAS on Solaris
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6563: David Kirkby: Singular fails to install header files, since it
fails to find install-sh [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6573: Minh Van Nguyen: fix docstring from #5651 [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6574: Chris Wuthrich: Type issue in is_quadratic_twist [Reviewed by
John Cremona]
#6577: David Loeffler: Reference manual build errors in 4.1.1.alpha0
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6578: Jason Grout: fast subgraphs by building the graph instead of
deleting things [Reviewed by Robert Miller, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6585: John Palmieri: trivial change to a few docstrings in
partition.py [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6587: Nicolas M. Thiery: Improve doc of partitions.conjugate
[Reviewed by Jason Bandlow]
#6591: Nicolas M. Thiery: Implement view(object, viewer='pdf') and
view(object, tightpage = True) [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6593: Sebastien Labbe: WordMorphism: doctest failure in Fedora
[Reviewed by Jaap Spies]
#6594: Georg S. Weber: doctest issue in "r.py" (follow-up to #6379)
[Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6600: Ron Evans, Minh Van Nguyen: typos in "bordeaux_2008" document
[Reviewed by John Palmieri, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6606: Simon Morris: Add a more efficient implementation of index for
Gamma(N). [Reviewed by John Cremona, David Roed]
#6613: Ron Evans: patch from #6393 should also demonstrate that bug is
fixed [Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6617: Dan Drake: remove stale SageTeX files from latex_embed
[Reviewed by Harald Schilly]
#6619: Nicolas M. Thiery: Fix ``inner`` option for integer vectors
[Reviewed by Dan Drake]
#6621: Anders Claesson: Permutation.inverse too slow [Reviewed by Dan Drake]

Merged in Sage 4.1.1.alpha0:

#111: Alex Ghitza: def copy -- they should all be def __copy__
[Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#5649: Karl-Dieter Crisman: plot doesn't work when x-range too small
[Reviewed by Bill Cauchois]
#5651: Bill Cauchois: make it so plot(...) passes extra options to
show (maybe only those that makes sense) [Reviewed by William Stein,
Jason Grout]
#5790: Andrew Mathas: Updating some quirks in partition.py [Reviewed
by Jason Bandlow, Franco Saliola, Nicolas M. Thiery]
#5932: Robert Miller: graphs.RandomRegular(3,10) often returns a graph
on 0 vertices [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
#5939: Robert Miller: typo in g.automorphism_group documentation, for
g a graph; also partition parameter isn't tested anywhere in the
docstring [Reviewed by Emily Kirkman]
#5941: Robert Miller: transitive_close returns a graph with the same
name even though it is a totally different graph! [Reviewed by Emily
Kirkman, Jason Grout]
#5996: Jens Rasch: Wigner 3j, 6j, 9j, Clebsch-Gordan, Racah and Gaunt
coefficients [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6045: Robert Bradshaw: Computation of Heegner points [Reviewed by
John Cremona, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6098: Emily Kirkman: 3d bezier path plotting [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6159: Alex Ghitza: Implement real_part for CDF and CC [Reviewed by
Burcin Erocal]
#6195: Burcin Erocal: in symbolic Expression.match() return a
dictionary with matched values of wildcards [Reviewed by Nick
Alexander, Alex Ghitza]
#6301: Rob Beezer: implement the Hadamard product of two matrices
[Reviewed by Jason Grout]
#6332: Francis Clarke: optional doctest failure -- jones number field
database tests fail [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
#6364: John Cremona: error message at end of successful "sage -merge"
[Reviewed by Tom Boothby]
#6379: Georg S. Weber: #2513 made R.py doctest fail for non-english
locale [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6380: David Kirkby: Allow NTL to build on Solaris with Sun or GNU
linker [Reviewed by William Stein]
#6393: David Joyner: Jacobi sums incorrect when exactly one character
is trivial [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6395: William Stein: magma interface: make magma_colon_equals mode
work in both command line and notebook [Reviewed by David Kohel]
#6396: David Loeffler: primes_of_degree_one is broken for relative
extensions [Reviewed by Nick Alexander, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6422: Burcin Erocal: make
sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.__init__ usable [Reviewed by Alex
#6433: John Palmieri: fix %html [Reviewed by Adam Webb, Mike Hansen]
#6443: David Kirkby: A GNUism in zn_poly-0.9.p0 causes linking
problems wiith Sun's linker [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6445: David Kirkby: pari 2.3.3.p0 problem on 't2' but not my home
machine (similar setups!!) [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6450: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: add generic group functions to the
documentation [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6451: David Kirkby: Flint uses a non-portable option to 'cp' which
fails on Solaris. [Reviewed by Bill Hart, John Cremona]
#6454: Yann Laigle-Chapuy: improve sbox linear and differences
matrices computation [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
#6457: David Loeffler: Intersection of ideals in a number field
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6458: David Loeffler: Inverse modulo an ideal in a relative number
field [Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6462: David Loeffler: Unpickling problem for orders in a number field
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6463: David Loeffler: Residue fields broken for relative extensions
[Reviewed by Nick Alexander]
#6468: Simon King: FiniteField_prime_modn.__call__ should raise an
error, rather than return an error [Reviewed by William Stein, Alex
#6471: Minh Van Nguyen: clarify differences between c.abs() and
c.norm() for complex c [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
#6485: Mitesh Patel: broken links from website index to tutorial,
constructions, etc. [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6493: William Stein: new scipy-0.7.p2 spkg is broken on 64-bit OS X,
due to numpy [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6499: Minh Van Nguyen: minor formatting and typo in the script
sage-location [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
#6500: David Loeffler: Improve reference manual coverage for
polynomial rings [Reviewed by John Palmieri]
#6510: Taylor Sutton: Adds __nonzero__ method to abelian groups
[Reviewed by David Roe]
#6511: John Cremona: merge script: syntax error when doing "sage
-merge <ticket-number>" [Reviewed by Minh Van Nguyen]
#6512: Mitesh Patel: Link to jsMath's easy/load.js only if the
documentation is built with --jsmath [Reviewed by David Loeffler]
#6518: Burcin Erocal: doctest script uses deprecated signature for
showwarning [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
#6519: Vincent Delecroix, Sebastien Labbe, Franco Saliola: improve the
words library code [Reviewed by Robert Miller, Sebastien Labbe]
#6526: Robert Miller: remove naive suffix trees [Reviewed by Franco Saliola]
#6529: Marshall Hampton, David Loeffler: adding doctests to arith.py
[Reviewed by David Loeffler, Minh Van Nguyen]
#6534: David Loeffler: Jacobi sums are calculated in a ridiculously
roundabout fashion [Reviewed by John Cremona]
#6537: Robert Miller: Memleak in C graphs [Reviewed by Tom Boothby]
#6540: Robert Miller: g.add_edge((u,v), label=l) syntax unsupported
for C graphs [Reviewed by Jason Grout]
#6544: Adam Webb: remove graph_isom.pxd [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
#6557: William Stein: fix bug in number field caching [Reviewed by John Cremona]

Minh Van Nguyen

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