Harald Schilly wrote:
> On Aug 22, 11:08 pm, "Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net>
> wrote:
>> If that whole thing could be implemented, it would make for interesting
>> results. Karl might even want to provide a link to Sage results!
> And I would like to put it on the website ;)

It could only be useful.

> It might be useful/fair to add other benchmarks, representative for
> Sage and comparing to Mathematica? I think of Bernoulli numbers (since
> they have blogged so proudly about it) and
> sage: R.<x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(GF(13))
> sage: time _ = expand((x+y+z+1)**100)
> CPU times: user 0.07 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.08 s
> Wall time: 0.08 s
> In[1]:= Timing[Expand[(x+y+z+1)^100, Modulus -> 13]][[1]]
> Out[1]= 4.20826
> maybe something similar for BooleanPolynomialRings?

IMHO, it would be good to have one exactly as Karl has. By all means 
have others.

What would be good is if we could have the exact same one Mathematica 
uses, but doing that without Wolfram Research's permission could be a 
breach of copyright. (I'm not really sure on that matter, since we would 
not by copying any code, just implementing a test they do. But I'm not a 

It would however make for an interesting email to WRI. Asking if they 
would mind us implementing a benchmark in Sage which does the exact same 
things as that in Mathematica 7. If they decline, that fact could be 
added to the Sage web page too. If they agree, implement that one too.

I bet if WRI got such a request, they would have a few discussions 
internally about whether to grant permission or not.

Of course, even if they did agree, you can bet the next version of 
Mathematica would have in its benchmark something Sage can't do!


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