Hi all,
I have been pointed to the discussion some time ago.

You could be interested in the approach implemented in FuncDesigner LP
Maybe in future I'll add FuncDesigner examples for MILP and some more

Let me also note - statement "COIN-OR and CPLEX which have similar
performances" is completely wrong.
First of all COIN-OR project is a set of solvers (LP, NLP, etc), not
an LP/MILP solver.
At second, it is well-known CPLEX is too far ahead of any free MILP
See for example the bench by Hans Mittelmann (one of most
authoritative), where CPLEX is 6 times faster of fastest free MILP

Regards, D.

On Jun 29, 2:08 pm, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everybody !!!!
> I have already sent a few messages about this and complained for a
> while. The only way for the moment to solve Linear Programs 
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_programming) is CVXOPT, a library
> focused on convex optimization, and we need much, much more than this.
> There are three softwares that I know which can solve Linear
> Programs :
> - GLPK (http://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/)
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Linear_Programming_Kit
>   Totally Free, can be merged into SAGE
> - COIN-OR (http://www.coin-or.org/)
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COIN-OR
>   GPL-Uncompatible
> - CPLEXhttp://www.ilog.fr/products/cplex/
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CPLEX
>   Proprietary
> To my knowledge, GLPK is far behind COIN-OR and CPLEX which have
> similar performances. Now, GLPK is the natural choice for SAGE because
> it is totally Free, and it has to be available. But COIN-OR has such
> performances that it cannot be discarded just because of its license
> ( which is not "that far" from being GPL-Compatible, besides... ), and
> I think many of the persons using SAGE at work may have some access to
> CPLEX Licenses ( which lets them use it in parallel, or perhaps in a
> distributed way, I do not know all about it ).
> This, to say that all three should be accessible through SAGE ( GLPK
> by default, COIN-OR as an optionnal package, and CPLEX if installed ),
> and that we should begin to think about a common way to solve linear
> programs in SAGE, and as importantly MIP ( Mixed Integer 
> Programshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mixed_integer_programming#Integer_unknowns
> ).
> I am particularly interested in this feature as it would mean that a
> ---LOT--- of new graph-theoretic functions could be very soon, very
> efficiently, and very easily added to the SAGE Library. We are missing
> so many essential things that could be solved in several lines of LP
> or MIP that waiting is just insane ;-)
> As I have my own constraints, I had to build for myself a quick
> interface between SAGE and CBC ( which belongs to the COIN-OR
> Family ). It uses the command-line executable and creates dirty
> temporary files, which we want to avoid in SAGE. In the end you can
> access COIN-OR through SAGE with two screens of code 
> (http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Nathann.Cohen/cbc.spyx), and a
> Maximum Independant Set becomes as easy as this :
> g=graphs.RandomGNP(10,.5)
> p=MIPSProgram(max=True)
> obj={}
> for i in g.vertices():
>     obj["V"+str(i)]=1
>     p.setinteger("V"+str(i))
> p.setobj(obj)
> for (a,b,c) in g.edges():
>     obj={}
>     obj["V"+str(a)]=1
>     obj["V"+str(b)]=1
>     obj["lt"]=1
>     p.addconstraint(obj)
> p.solve()
> I am sending this message because I would like to reach the people who
> would like to have LP and MIP solvers in SAGE, and who may be
> interested in writing the code we need for this. I would also like to
> have your advice about what I now imagine of its implementation. I
> would not like ( but this is only my advice, and "I am all ears" ) to
> have the user deal with the final matrices as we have to in CVXOPT. I
> like the idea of adding constraint independently from the previous
> ones as I am doing in this short code for Max Independant Set. It may
> not be the best way ( and please tell me what you think of it ) but I
> record each linear form : 2*A + 3*B - 5*C as a dictionary {"A":2, "B":
> 3, "C":-5 }. I have to add "lt":1  if I want to ensure that this form
> is < 1, but I think we should create a new class LinearConstraint with
> proper functions associated to it. Finally, the variable have no
> reason to be strings and should be general Object ( if possible ).
> I hope many of you will be interested by LP and MIP in Sage and will
> be willing to work on it too ! I have my version of it, so I can wait
> without any problem, but SAGE --needs-- LP and MIP solvers ;-)
> Have fun !
> Nathann
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