On Aug 26, 7:47 pm, Nathann Cohen <nathann.co...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello !
> > You could be interested in the approach implemented in FuncDesigner LP
> > model:http://openopt.org/NumericalOptimizationForFuncDesignerModels#LP_example
> > Maybe in future I'll add FuncDesigner examples for MILP and some more
> > classes.
> I *AM* interested in this... Thanks for the information !!! I am
> looking for ways to make LP easier in Sage ( it can be done now, but
> it is far from being as easy as in the example you show... Could you
> tell me how you deal with indexed variables, as x_1, ..., x_n ( and it
> could have to be indexed 2 or 3 times ) ?

Yes, you can use indexation like some_oovar[i] or some_oofun[i]
(probably with several indexes, or negative ones that are start from
array end), however, I think it should be avoided if possible (you'd
better split your oovar into several oovars).
As for arrays with ndim>1 they are not implemented in FuncDesigner yet
and will be hardly implemented in nearest future, for the release 0.15
I intend to focus on stability. Also, I have difficulties with
Automatic differentiation (for nonlinear functions) when ndim>1 (even
for ndim <=1 it wasn't that easy). I don't want someone to spend lots
of time and efforts for coding a FuncDesigner model and then get
"Automatic differentiation cannot be done for the model yet".
However, I think dot(some_fixed_array, some_oovar_or_oofun) will be
ready till nearest FD release with some_fixed_array.ndim <= 2.

> > Let me also note - statement "COIN-OR and CPLEX which have similar
> > performances" is completely wrong.
> A colleague of mine who tested them seemed to say they had similar
> performances (and he is likely to have spent quite a long time on
> that :-) ), and the link you gave seems to confirm the fact that
> "compared to GLPK, the solvers from COIN and CPLEX are way ahead".
> There seem to be another gap between COIN and CPLEX, though, you are
> right, I am just being kind to a colleague who did not try to betray
> me :-)

Maybe I have translated it wrong with my small knowledge of English.

> > First of all COIN-OR project is a set of solvers (LP, NLP, etc), not
> > an LP/MILP solver.
> I was talking about Cbc, I often do it as COIN if a bit more famous
> than Cbc
> > At second, it is well-known CPLEX is too far ahead of any free MILP
> > solver.
> > See for example the bench by Hans Mittelmann (one of most
> > authoritative), where CPLEX is 6 times faster of fastest free MILP
> > solverhttp://forum.openopt.org/viewtopic.php?id=18
> The interface with COIN which is to be ( I hope ) one day merged to
> Sage uses Osi, which also provides an interface to CPLEX.

I had awared of OSI, but I'm not skilled in connecting code of other
languages to Python, that's why I hadn't go for it.

> To build a
> support for CPLEX, one would only need to replace the string "Cbc" by
> "Cplex" in the source code, which takes O(1) time. I will be able to
> do it myself pretty soon, so Sage will also be able to use CPLEX :-)
> In the meantime, and even if I only talk about its graph-theoretic
> applications, Sage already gained a LOT from the integration of Cbc
> and GLPK... I will do what I can from now on to integrate a good
> support for MIP...

This is very nice to hear, still I think it would be better to provide
Python-OSI API instead of SAGE-OSI, it would benefit more wield
auditory (PythonXY, EPD, mere Python-scipy users etc). Of course, it's
up to you - mb you are SAGE developer at first.

Regards, D.

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