
I am sorry, I don't the logs to send but if you have any problems with
the instructions below, then I can reproduce and send them later.

Assuming that you already have Aldor and Sage installed, the commends:

$ cd ~/sage-4.1.1
$ wget http://www.mediafire.com/file/im5zd201mh0/fricas-1.0.7.p0.spkg
$ ./sage -f fricas-1.0.7.spkg

Produces the error: " undefined reference to `log' ". (about 15 minutes)

After the failure, follow the instructions printed by Sage to enter
the Sage "shell" - the environment in which Sage and all it's spkg's
run. As indicated 'cd' to the fricas-1.0.7 directory inside Sage.

Now changing

CLIQUEOPTS=-mno-abbrev -mno-mactext -laldor -lm -fx

in the file './src/src/aldor/Makefile.in' and re-running the biuld via


produces the error I showed in my previous email.

Except for the " undefined reference to `log' " message, the same
error occurs outside of Sage. To reproduce do this:

First install ECL 9.8.4, then build FriCAS from source using ecl in
the usual way. E.g

  $ svn update ~/fricas
  $ mkdir ~/fricas-build
  $ cd ~/fricas-build
  $ ../fricas/configure --with-lisp=ecl

After it finishes run the command:

 $ ../fricas/src/scripts/mkdist.sh --copy_lisp

The result will be a new sub-directory named 'dist' in your build
directory. This directory is identical to the 'src' directory in the
Sage fricas-1.0.7 directory (except a little newer). Copy the whole
sub-directory somewhere, e.g.

  $ cp -r dist ~/fricas-dist
  $ cd ~/fricas-dist

Now build FriCAS in the usual way

  $ ./configure --with-lisp=ecl
  $ make

It fails at:

echo ')lisp (quit)' >> tmp/mko_lang.lsp
# The .ao file will be built via Makefile2.
aldor -flsp=lsp/lang.lsp ao/lang.ao
#1 (Fatal Error) Could not open file `ao/lang.ao'.

The file '~/fricas-dist/src/aldor/tmp/mko_lang.lsp' refers to 'lsp/lang.lsp':

$ cat ~/fricas-dist/src/aldor/tmp/mko_lang.lsp

)lisp (compile-file "/home/wspage/fricas-dist/src/aldor/lsp/lang.lsp"
:output-file "/home/wspage/fricas-dist/src/aldor/lib/lang.fas")
)lisp (quit)


but the lsp directory only contains 'runtime.lsp'

$ ls -l /home/wspage/fricas-dist/src/aldor/lsp
total 392
-rw-r--r-- 1 wspage wspage 395221 2009-09-02 21:48 runtime.lsp

Although the 'lang.as' file is present:

 $ cd ~/fricas-dist
 $ find . -name lang.as

I don't think there was any problem with access to svn for these
files. But maybe in the future it would be possible to just distribute
the cached lisp files generated by Aldor the same way as those
generated by FriCAS? I don't see how that would violate any licenses.

Please let me know if you would still like me to produce and send the log.

Bill Page.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Ralf Hemmecke wrote:
>  > But after including '-lm' it fails again with the following error:
> Bill, could you send me the exact list of commands to arrive at this
> error. Maybe you even have the full log of this 'make'.
> Are you sure that you have the files lang.as etc. from the Aldor.org
> server? Actually these files could be distributed (maybe as a separate
> spkg because of license issues) so that there would be no need for
> internet access at build time.

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