Hi kcrisman,

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 3:57 AM, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Has anyone else noticed this?

Jason Grout reported this in IRC:

10:42 < jason-6865> Has anyone noticed that with 4.1.2.alpha2, we have that old
                    problem with readline again where tab completion puts a
                    space after the completion?
10:43 < jason-6865> (that's what it's doing for me)
10:44 < williamstein> we have a new readline, right?
10:44 < mhampton-6776> I'm using 4.1.1, I guess I should switch
10:44 < mvngu> williamstein: yes
10:45 < williamstein> maybe a patch wasn't suitably applied (i.e., by me)
10:45 < jason-6865> my upgrade doesn't have the problem
10:45 < jason-6865> (upgrade from 4.1.2.alpha1 to 4.1.2.alpha2)
10:45 < jason-6865> but that might be a problem with the upgrade...
10:45 -!- kmels [n=km...@] has quit []
10:46 < jason-6865> (this is on ubuntu 9.04)
10:46 < jason-6865> where is the new readline spkg?
10:46 < jason-6865> (oh, duh, in spkg/standard...)
10:47 < mvngu> jason-6865:
10:47 -!- jason-6865 is now known as jason-
10:50 -!- mhampton-6776 is now known as mhampton-6780
10:51 -!- jason-- [n=ja...@97-125-136-197.desm.qwest.net] has joined #sage-devel
10:53 -!- kstueve [n=sage...@96-26-255-233.sea.clearwire-dns.net] has quit
          [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:54 < jason--> hmmm...it may be a problem with 6.0:
10:58 -!- Misto [n=mi...@dsl081-234-075.lax1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined
10:58 -!- jason- [n=ja...@75-170-235-118.desm.qwest.net] has quit [Read error:
          60 (Operation timed out)]
10:58 < jason--> ah, no, in readline 6.0, we have from the changelog: New
                 application-settable completion variable:
                 rl_completion_suppress_append, inhibits appending of
                 rl_completion_append_character to completed words.
10:59 < jason--> no, nevermind.

Minh Van Nguyen

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