On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Robert Bradshaw
<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>> Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>>> On Sep 29, 2009, at 11:55 AM, David Joyner wrote:
>>>> Thanks for working on this.
>>>> What more needs to be tested? The install went fine on an intel
>>>> macbook running 10.6.
>>>> Maybe Robert Bradshaw should comment on it, since he wrote
>>>> rubik.py?
>>> OK, I'll bite.
>>> I simply took the three individual packages and put them all into the
>>> same spkg. I'm no build guru, so I mostly left the make scripts, etc.
>>> as they were, and they compiled and worked on all (at the time)
>>> supported platforms. I am sure the authors were not targeting
>>> Solaris, let alone their compiler, or maybe not even anything beyond
>>> their own personal machines. The makefiles have since been edited
>>> many times, looks like you were careful so hopefully all issues are
>>> finally sorted out.
>>> I do have to ask, fortran flags? I know there's no fortran in there.
>>> Also, the lack of -m64 doesn't imply 32-bit, does it? And why O2
>>> rather than O3?
>>> - Robert
>> Hi Robert,
>> thank you for biting!
>> First I have had about 5 pints of beer tonight, so bear this in mind!
>> I've tried to create a spkg-install which will work properly on almost
>> any package, with the hope of providing some measure of
>> standardisation.
>> At the minute, lots of different spkg-install's exist, and some seem
>> pretty poor to me. I think it is better if we could have a basic
>> spkg-install, which set up most things, then the producer of a .spkg
>> just needed to consider specific issues with their package.
>> As such, I've set all flags, including those for Fortran, even when
>> not
>> needed. The extra few bytes of code does no significant harm. If the
>> package does not use Fortran, then it will ignore the Fortran flags.
>> The problem with creating a spkg-install with a subset of things
>> set, is
>> that the subset needs carefully testing for each package. My version
>> might waste a couple of KB bytes, but it is safe.
>> So I have tended to write spkg-install's in such a way that they
>> should
>> work with any package.
>> Minh asked me the other day to write this up, though I chose not to
>> just
>> now, as I am not convinced my latest version is as good as possible.
> Sounds like something that could be globally useful, rather than
> having separate logic inside each spkg.


> The only downside is that, at least for actively developed projects,
> it's nice to use upstream build scripts rather than rolling our own.

I think that's always better if possible.

>> A lack of the ability to add -m64 does on some platforms mean it is
>> not
>> possible to build 64-bit code. Solaris is such a platform. All Solaris
>> machines made in the last 10 years or so are 64-bit, but Sun still by
>> default build binaries 32-bit. This is sensible, as pointers are
>> smaller, more can fit in the cache etc. There are certainly
>> disadvantages to 64-bit code. Likewise I believe on OS X, The fact
>> SAGE64 was not used in rubiks, made it impossible to create a 64-bit
>> binary rubiks on OS X.
> I was under the impression that some platforms build 64-bit code by
> default even if there's no -m64 flag, i.e. the laack of SAGE64 does
> not imply 32-bit.

That's true.   For example, the XCode on OS X 10.6 builds 64-bit code
by default even
if there's no -m64 (unlike on OS X 10.5).     Most 64-bit Linuxes have
that property too.
Solaris and old Mac OS X are the only platforms I can think of that don't.

>> Since the aim is to ultimately produce a Sage capable of 64-bit, then
>> the SAGE64 variable needs to be handled correctly.
>> One could reasonably argue that some part of Sage benefit from 64-bit,
>> and others do not. I know at one point Mathematica's kernel on Solaris
>> was 64-bit, but the front end was 32-bit, simply since Wolfram
>> Research
>> rightly realised there were disadvantage, and no significant
>> advantages
>> to having a 64-bit front end.
>> But my belief is that Sage should be build either 32-bit or 64-bit,
>> and
>> not a mix of the two. (If others feel differently, say so).
>> If we are going to mix the two, then there needs to be a big
>> discussion
>> about what bits of Sage are to be 64-bit and what bits are to be 32-
>> bit.
>> It's easier to make all Sage 32-bit or all Sage 64-bit in my opinion.
>> That means all packages must consider the variable SAGE64.
>> As for -O2 vs -O3, the spkg-install says:
>> # Add a sensible default optimisation flag. Change if necessary.
>> Without a lot of care taken to
>> * Look at the code
>> * Check exactly what -O3 does for every compiler
>> * Extensive testing
>> I don't think it is safe to assume -O3 will be safe and not create a
>> problem.
>> One of the troublesome packages I noticed when testing with Sun Studio
>> is tachyon, which uses -O6.
>> http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/7069
>> It's not the -O6 which is causing the Solaris problem, though I do
>> think
>>   -O6 is unwise. The fact that the tachyon.spkg ignores CC and uses
>> gcc
>> anyway, makes me believe the code is not well thought out. Therefore I
>> suspect there has not been extensive testing to prove -O6 is safe.

There is no -O6 option to GCC.  There are three nonzero numbered
optimization levels:  -O1, -O2, and -O3.   Do "man gcc".   The
optimization options are:

                     -O  -O0  -O1  -O2  -O3  -Os

"-Os" optimizes for size, but not at the expense of speed.

>> The problem with the more aggressive optimisations is that they can
>> lead
>> to inaccurate assembly code, as compiler makes assumptions which
>> are not
>> true. I believe at -O2, the assembly code will be ok. I don't think
>> that
>> is necessarily true at -O3. While -O3 might be safe, unless someone is
>> going to test it, then I think its unwise to use -O3.

The difference between -O2 and -O3 is: " -O3 turns on all
optimizations specified by -O2 and also turns on the
-finline-functions, -funswitch-loops and -fgcse-after-reload options."
 I think these are not *supposed* to generate invalid assembly code --
if they do, isn't that considered a bug in GCC?  Of course there are
bugs in GCC, and using aggressive optimization is much more likely to
uncover them.

-O3 has drawbacks such as potentially larger binaries, cache misses, etc.

 -- William

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