
The double ?? is fine to me : it prints the documentation as in the
file :

sage: Partition??
    Sage follows the usual python conventions when dealing with
    so that the first part of the partition ``mu=Partition([4,3,2,2])
`` is
    ``mu[0]``, the second part is ``mu[1]`` and so on. As is usual,
Sage ignores
    trailing zeros at the end of partitions.

But, the single ? adds a tabulation (4 spaces) to the left, which is
not nice to me :

sage: Partition?
        Sage follows the usual python conventions when dealing with
        ``mu[0]``, the second part is ``mu[1]`` and so on. As is
usual, Sage ign
        trailing zeros at the end of partitions.

Where can I see the code of the single '?' printing-doc function? Was
there a reason for adding those 4 spaces? Do you agree with me for
removing those 4 spaces? I know I can enlarge my terminal horizontaly,
but I think it would be nice if it would behave nicely for the
standard 80.

Nothing is said about that in the


but every lines in the given examples contains at most 70 characters,
which suggests that sage is actually suggesting something but what!? I
think some developer are already aware of the 4 added spaces (or maybe
is it for other esthetical reasons?) and now write lines of at most 76
(or even at most 70) characters so that no lines get broken uglyly in
both ways :

sage: sage.graphs.graph?

    Graph Theory

    This module implements many graph theoretic operations and


    -  Robert L. Miller (2006-10-22): initial version

    -  William Stein (2006-12-05): Editing

    -  Robert L. Miller (2007-01-13): refactoring, adjusting for
       NetworkX-0.33, fixed plotting bugs (2007-01-23): basic
       edge labels, loops, multiple edges and arcs (2007-02-07):
       and sparse6 formats, matrix input

    -  Emily Kirkmann (2007-02-11): added graph_border option to plot
       and show

    -  Robert L. Miller (2007-02-12): vertex color-maps, graph
       boundaries, graph6 helper functions in Cython

    -  Robert L. Miller Sage Days 3 (2007-02-17-21): 3d plotting in


What do you think about that?

Sébastien Labbé
PhD Student
UQAM - Montellier 2
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