On 2009-Oct-31 19:58:21 -0700, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>through. Let me know if you know something better than google groups.

Why not host the mailing list "in house"?  We have a domain name and
access to decent infrastructure.  IMHO, a set of mailing lists in the
form sage-x...@sagemath.org looks good.  As for suitable software, I
recommend Mailman: www.list.org.  It's quite widely used and mostly
built on Python.

Paraphrasing the website (and copying the FreeBSD port's description):
  Mailman is a mailing list manager (MLM); that is, software to help manage
  email discussion lists, much like Majordomo, LISTSERV, and the like.
  Unlike most similar products, Mailman gives each mailing list a web page
  and allows users to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change their preferences
  via the web.  Even a list manager can administer his or her list(s)
  entirely via the web.  Mailman integrates many common MLM features,
  including web-based archiving (though it also has hooks for external
  archivers), mail-to-news gateways, bounce handling, spam prevention,
  Majordomo-style email-based list administration, direct SMTP delivery (with
  fast bulk mailing), digest delivery, virtual domain support, and more. 

Peter Jeremy

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