On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 3:34 PM, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Peter Jeremy <peterjer...@acm.org> wrote:
>> On 2009-Oct-31 19:58:21 -0700, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
>>>through. Let me know if you know something better than google groups.
>> Why not host the mailing list "in house"?  We have a domain name and
>> access to decent infrastructure.  IMHO, a set of mailing lists in the
>> form sage-x...@sagemath.org looks good.  As for suitable software, I
>> recommend Mailman: www.list.org.  It's quite widely used and mostly
>> built on Python.
>> Paraphrasing the website (and copying the FreeBSD port's description):
>>  Mailman is a mailing list manager (MLM); that is, software to help manage
> GAP (which Sage includes) has its own email lists which use an
> "in-house" Mailman and the GAP lists still gets about the same or
> more spam than Sage. Moreover, GAP routes all email through
> gmail first, to take advantage of gmail's spam filter. Despite this, spam 
> still
> occasionally gets through. Thus IMHO Mailman is not the solution.

I will change sage-devel and sage-support back so that all new
subscribers have to answer a puzzle first.   Moderators -- take note
-- you'll see the person's answer to the question when deciding
whether or not to approve the new member.

Incidentally, I think that the blog post that started this discussion
may be exaggerated, as it was written by one person in a moment of
frustration.   In particular, that person seems to think that it is
trivial for anybody to forge emails from any gmail account to the
mailing lists.  I manage 30 lists, and I've never seen anything like
this.  If it did happen, it's the sort of thing that might have been
possible for a few days, and which could have been then fixed by
Google -- it's not a reason to migrate thousands of users over to
another mailing list system.

Changing this list so that every new member has to sensibly answer a
question about Sage should dramatically reduce the amount spam we have
to filter through as moderators.  We moderators see spam because
spammers create accounts, sign up, then submit an email to the list
for us to either approve or deny... every once in a while we
moderators mess up and approve (or deny) something we shouldn't.

 -- William

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