William Stein wrote:
> Hi,
> Here are the trac components with who "owns" each.  It's possible that 
> many of these are dated/wrong/silly at this point.  If anybody would 
> like to suggest changes, volunteer to own a component, etc., just 
> respond in this thread.    Don't ask me exactly what it "means" to own a 
> component in trac though...
> Name                  Owner        
> -----------------------------------
> algebra               tbd          
> algebraic geometry    was          
> algebraic topology    jhpalmieri  
> basic arithmetic      somebody    
> build                 tbd          
> calculus              burcin      
> coding theory         rlm          
> coercion              robertwb    
> combinatorics         mhansen      
> commutative algebra   malb        
> cryptography          somebody    
> cygwin                tbd          
> debian-package        tabbott      
> distribution          tbd          
> doctest               tbd          
> documentation         tba          
> dsage                 yi          
> elliptic curves       cremona      
> experimental package  tbd          
> factorization         tbd          
> finance               was          
> freebsd               tbd          
> geometry              mhampton    
> givaro                cpernet      
> graphics              was          
> graph theory          rlm          
> group_theory          joyner      
> interact              itolkov      
> interfaces            was          
> linbox                cpernet      
> linear algebra        was          
> memleak               tbd          
> misc                  cwitty      
> modular forms         craigcitro  
> msvc                  tbd          
> notebook              boothby      
> number fields         davidloeffler
> number theory         was          
> numerical             jkantor      
> optional packages     tbd          
> packages              mabshoff    
> padics                roed        
> performance           tbd          
> porting               tbd          

I do not mind taking 'porting', in addition to 'solaris'.

I've found it quite useful to build things on HP-UX - I believe a port to HP-UX 
is not beyonds the bounds of possibility if one sticks to gcc. The main 
advantage of that would not be a huge increase in user numbers, but different 
platforms often highlight issues which can potentially effect all platforms, 
only show up on one.

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