
I've implemented a function to export a sage surface as a stl file.
[1] This allows for them to be printed with rep-rap and cupcake (two
open-source 3d printers) using the tool chain: stl file -> skeinforge
-> gcode file -> replicatorg (prints) . (I cant test it because the
printer at is broken right now, but the stl files seem to
work fine in simulations... Otherwise I'd include pretty pictures of
printed plots!)

There are several reasons I'm writing. Firstly, I wanted to make my
function available to anyone who was interested. In fact, it'd be
great if someone could push it upstream eventually (I understand
there's some kind of review process?). If not, is there a standard way
to store local changes?

Secondly, I have a strange bug in my code I'm hoping I could get some
suggestions on resolving. At one point, I loop the list provided
face_list(). I run into problems, however, when I pass my function
more complicated plots because face_list() suddenly returns an empty
list. Is this a bug in sage, or am I missing something?

In the future, I'm planning to implement a function to import stl
files as well. And it may be interesting to just include a wrapper
around skeinforge so that sage can directly export gcode....

Help and feedback are appreciated,

Christopher Olah,


def surface_to_stl(surface):
  out =  "solid mathsurface\n"
  for i in surface.face_list():
    n = 
    abs = (n[0]^2+n[1]^2+n[2]^2)^0.5
    n= (n[0]/abs,n[1]/abs,n[2]/abs)
    out += "  facet normal " + repr(n[0])  + " " + repr(n[1])    + " "
+ repr(n[2])
    out += "    outer loop\n"
    out += "      vertex " + repr(i[0][0]) + " " + repr(i[0][1]) + " "
+ repr(i[0][2]) + "\n"
    out += "      vertex " + repr(i[1][0]) + " " + repr(i[1][1]) + " "
+ repr(i[1][2]) + "\n"
    out += "      vertex " + repr(i[2][0]) + " " + repr(i[2][1]) + " "
+ repr(i[2][2]) + "\n"
    out += "    endloop\n"
    out += "  endfacet\n"
  out += "endsolid surface\n"
  return out

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