
I started creating new modules, and I wanted to split it piece by
piece, with time. Ticket #7365 creates a module named
graph_decomposition which I intend to fill ( but I will begin to write
these functions when this patch will be merged and the file
created ).

Is it possible in Python to create a module containing a function X,
then to write in the body of the graph class "from my_module import X"
so that the X function can be used as any method in the graph class ?
I am asking this question because I thought it was possible, but I was
not able to do it with several functions defined in graph_coloring,
perhaps because of a cyclic dependance. This would enable us to split
this file efficiently, and to avoid having to copy docstrings and
create useless  wrappers as it is the case for the moment with
coloring functions.

I also created ticket #7369 but it was refused as a blocker and I do
not really know how to produce such a patch without wiping out all the
other modifications. If you know how to write it, plllleaaaaaase tell
me :-)

If I can help you with your book, I'd gladly do it !!! I plan great
things for Graphs in Sage, but these days I am really stuck with
reviews... Just look at the state of this section on the Trac
Server !

Even though, most of this is not really "urgent" for Sage ( short of
the two LP tickets.. I madly need them to be in the standard Sage by
the end of december ) and can easily wait. The most important thing
for the graph library, methinks, is to be rewritten efficiently in C
so that I will be able to rewrite the most useful functions from
Python to Cython and speed up the rest of them...

For the degree sequence, I think should do :-)


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