On Dec 3, 2009, at 10:04 AM, javier wrote:

> Hi there,
> On Dec 3, 5:08 pm, Florent Hivert <florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr>
> wrote:
>> However, I thing it should be a method of the group:
>>    G.conjugacy_class(g).
> that was my original idea, to keep it close to GAP original
> definition.
>> Or even of the element itself since it knows G as it's parent:
>>    g.conjugacy_class()
>> def conjugacy_class(self):
>>      GG = self.parent()._gap_()
>>      gg = self._gap_()
>>      cc = GG.ConjugacyClass(gg).AsList().sage()
>>      return Set([G(x) for x in cc])
> This also makes sense. I don't really know which choice would be
> better. Maybe having both, doing something like
> def conjugacy_class(self):
>    G = self.parent()
>    return G.conjugacy_class(g)
> does that sound reasonable or would it be better to stick just to one
> of them?

Yes, that makes sense.

>> And finally for those groups who are not known to gap, the fallback
>> (sage-only) method should be in the category FiniteGroups to be  
>> inherited by
>> any group.
> I hadn't thought of that. Since all the groups I used are defined as
> permutation groups I never ran into trouble, but now that you mention
> it I see that GAP function doesn't work for matrix groups:
> sage: F = GF(5)
> sage: gens = [matrix(F,2,[1,2, -1, 1]), matrix(F,2, [1,1, 0,1])]
> sage: G = MatrixGroup(gens)
> sage: g = G(matrix(F,2,[1,2, -1, 1]))
> sage: conjugacy_class_gap(g,G)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> ...
> NotImplementedError
> So I guess the right thing to do is something like
> sage: def conjugacy_class(g,G):
> ...       try:                # Try to use GAP function if defined
> ...           GG = G._gap_()
> ...           gg = g._gap_()
> ...           cc = GG.ConjugacyClass(gg).AsList().sage()
> ...           return Set([G(x) for x in cc])
> ...       except NotImplementedError:    # If GAP doesn´t work, use
> naive method
> ...           return Set([x*g*x^(-1) for x in G])
> maybe with some added checks to deal with abelian groups (trivial
> conjugacy classes) and not using the naive method on infinite groups.
> In which file should the code be included?
> $SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/generic.py or somewhere else?

Almost certainly as a method on the Group object in sage/groups/ 

- Robert

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