Hi all,

On 8 Jan., 19:04, Nick Alexander <ncalexan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8-Jan-10, at 8:55 AM, javier wrote:
> > After thinking about this problem making "conjugacy_class" a method
> > that returns a list (or set) didn't feel right. GAP has many methods
> > working on conjugacy classes, so the most natural thing to do should
> > be to create a sage/python class "ConjugacyClass" for conjugacy
> > classes, and wrap any desired GAP methods inside this class. Does this
> > sound fine?
> I am not able to comment on this particular problem, but in general I  
> am a strong +1 to this approach.

Yep, this makes a lot of sense to me as well.

By the way, is there any chance to create a "libGAP", i.e., a way to
avoid the pexpect interface, similar to what has been done in

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