
On Jan 24, 5:29 pm, Robert Bradshaw <>
> On Jan 22, 2010, at 9:31 AM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > Robert,
> > the advantage is that it will simplify the *development* of Sage.
> Ironically, I personally find shipping all our dependancies makes  
> development easier--I don't have to worry about someone else using  
> different version than I have, and it's easy to look at and, if need  
> be, patch the source directly.

Well, a side-effect of this is Sage shipping old buggy upstream
packages (cf. GAP).

> > Right now  lots of stoppers seem to come from upstream packages.
> For porting, yes. Whether or not depending on people to build their  
> own upstream packages, then dealing with the issuing dependancy issues  
> is a gain is up for debate. Probably depends on the package.
> > I also do not see a  real problem with "specific versions" of  
> > packages. Somehow,
> > all the other open-source math projects seem to be able to manage this
> > well,
> > e.g. Singular manages to coordinate with GMP.
> > As well, lots of things like needlessly tying Sage up to a very
> > particular version or
> > an environment can be sorted out simply by using autoconf properly...
> Some packages, like GMP, have a well defined and strongly backwards  
> compatible API. Other packages, like GAP and maxima, aren't even  
> considered libraries, and freely make changes that are semantically  
> inconsequential but change how they interact with the "user" (which in  
> this case is a pexpect interface, not a human who won't notice when a  
> question is re-phrased). Even when changing versions doesn't give  
> errors or bad results, often doctests will fail. (For example, the  
> Debian port fails doctests all over the place, and trac is full of  
> examples where bumping to a newer upstream version involves non-
> trivial work.) Still other packages are arcane, specialized sets of C  
> files that where the author has little or no interest (or ability) in  
> getting into or maintaining as part of a mainstream repository archive  
> (if it would even be accepted).
> I'd love for someone to be able to do apt-get sage, and get a  
> reasonably modern, fully working version (without too much redundancy  
> with what's on their system, especially if that helps us get into  
> debian, etc.) As a concrete goal towards that end, I'd suggest making  
> a stripped version of sage that omits "easy" packages such as bzip2,  
> zlib, maybe even gmp/mpir that still passes all doctests, modifying  
> the prereq script appropriately.

this looks like a good start.

> - Robert

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