That certainly looks like an error message FLINT would output.

One possibility is that the problem occurs only on 32 bit machines or
only 64 bit machines and not the other kind. Have you got access to
both 32 and 64 bit architectures to try this on?

Does this code just literally call fmpz_poly_pseudo_rem(temp, f, f) ?


On Jan 28, 11:52 pm, Sebastian Pancratz <> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am writing to ask for help with analysing a very strange problem
> that came up a few days ago on trac ticket #4000.
> After reviving the work from last September/ October with some
> significant help of Mike Hansen at Sage Days 19 a week ago, we finally
> had a version of the patch that applied cleanly to 4.3.1.rc0 (plus the
> three patches by Robert Bradshaw from #383) and, at least on my
> machine and another departmental machine, passed all doctests.
> However, when Alex Ghitza had a look at this, he noticed a doctest
> failure with his setup.  It turns out that he can already produce an
> error with the commands
>     sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
>     sage: f = 3/2*x - 1/3
>     sage: %time _ = f % f
>     Error: unable to alloc/realloc memory
> Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the crash on my machine.  What is
> perhaps even stranger (at least to me!) is the fact the exact same
> code as above takes 20s on my machine to execute, and when I modify
> part of the relevant Cython code to look like 1. print "A" 2. FLINT
> call 3. print "B" 4. FLINT call, I get to see the output "A", then
> wait for a few seconds, then see "B", which is followed by some more
> waiting.  Although I couldn't quite believe it, this led me to at
> least consider the possibility that with the specific inputs the FLINT
> calls might be broken and actually take this long.  However, I did not
> manage to reproduce the same example as an example in plain C code.
> I'd be very grateful for any ideas on how this issue might be
> resolved.
> Many thanks,
> Sebastian

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