The issue reported on sage-support makes me think we should insist that updates are performed with the same version of gcc as that which was used to build gcc in the first placed. Basically, two people have found

1) Install Sage with older gcc.
2) Install the latest gcc 4.4.3
3) Try to update Sage, and it fails
4) Build Sage from the start, using gcc 4.4.3 and it works.

This makes me think it would be desirable to store the version of gcc used to build Sage some way, and then only let updates take place with that same version. Getting the version is very easy

$ gcc -dumpversion

so it could be stored in a file when Sage is first built. Then any updates check that the version of gcc has not changed.

My understanding was that you could mix objects from the same minor release i.e. gcc x.y.z for any 'z' would be ok. But it would appear in practice this is not so.

In initial build:

gcc -dumpvesion > gcc-build-version

In updates

gcc -dumpversion > gcc-update-version

if [ `cksum gcc-build-version` != `cksum gcc-update-version` ] ; then
echo 2>&1 "Sorry, you must use the same version of gcc to update Sage as you used when you built Sage."
  echo 2>&1 "Sage was built with gcc version `cat gcc.-build-version` "
  exit 1

Using the cksum of the file is probably the easiest way of determining if the version is the same. Saves messing around parsing a file.

BTW, not that it is important here, since you would only update Sage on the same platform, but 'cksum' gives the same answer on any platform, as the algorithm is specified by POSIX

In contrast, 'sum', which exists on many systems, gives different answers on different platforms (I got my fingers burnt over this is the past)


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