Does anyone here have experience configuring and managing a Buildbot system?

To enable continuous, automated builds on several platforms, we could

 * Set up a meta-repository of the Sage Mercurial repositories and
spkgs.  This could be an instantaneous alpha to which release managers
push patches with positive reviews.

 * Modify sage-upgrade so it can pull updates directly from a set of
Sage Mercurial repositories, in addition to downloading and installing
new spkgs.

When the meta-repo changes, an autonomous buildmaster would trigger a
pull / build / test cycle on the available [remote] builders and collect
the results.  Another set of builders might build Sage from scratch,
test optional spkgs, etc.

Or is it better to use sage-merge?  Is it possible to pull a queue?

Anyway, since Buildbot is written in Python and depends only on Twisted,
we could make a Buildbot spkg and try to make it straightforward for
people who download Sage to submit build/test reports.

This is already

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