Thanks for the suggestions. Cython is the route I've been taking, but
I haven't been able to get everything working yet and I hoped someone
had already paved the way. Oh well, I went to grad school to do
original work, so I'll keep plugging away.


On Feb 15, 4:47 am, Jason Grout <> wrote:
> On 02/14/2010 11:54 AM, Keith Clawson wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > My research group works in image and high dimensional data analysis
> > and we're beginning to work on the transition from Matlab to python/
> > sage. Many of our core algorithms are implemented as matlab Mex files,
> > which are really C libraries using C/C++ data types that need to be
> > converted to numpy arrays. I couldn't find any previous posts on this
> > topic, so my question is does anyone here have experience with
> > wrapping Mex libraries for python? I have made progress on this
> > project, but I'm far from expert at C or python so I could use some
> > advice, or even sample code.
> > Keith Clawson
> Please email the numpy list---they'll know better than we would.
> However, a quick google search for "numpy mex" turns up two possibly
> interesting results:
> Eventually, though, you'll probably want to transition things to use
> Cython<->C/C++ bindings instead of mex files, if I understand things
> correctly.
> Thanks,
> Jason

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