> Quick question:  many types have methods one_element() and
> zero_element() which are  used a lot.  For example, ZZ.one() and
> ZZ.zero() are aliases for ZZ.one_element() and ZZ.zero_element().  Is
> your intention to deprecate these longer names?

I had the impression that this has been already decided see eg [1]:

        def one_element(self):
            Backward compatibility alias for :meth:`self.one()`.


                sage: S = Monoids().example()
                sage: S.one_element()

            return self.one()

Though I can't find the thread. Also, In the category roadmap [2]:

A.one() A.zero() a.is_one() a.is_zero() A(1) A(0) when it makes sense
A.one_element() A.zero_element() deprecated in the doc; fully deprecated



[1] sage/categories/monoids.py

[2] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/wiki/CategoriesRoadMap

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