kcrisman schrieb:
PS: If you are still in doubt, please, please do not use Wikipedia for
any proof! Wikipedia is only good for to make a religion. Please better
ask a computer scientist, best working in the field of computation, not
hardware! On your university there should be a collection of that species!

On the other hand, I think it is recognized that the mathematics sites
on Wikipedia are often of a much higher grade than other pieces of
this (note my using 'often' and 'higher', not absolute terms).  See
for instance a number of references to Wikipedia in the Notices and
Bulletin of the AMS in the last few years - several using it
implicitly as a standard reference.  That doesn't mean it's perfect,
but at least in mathematics many articles are as correct, as useful,
and *much* more accessible, than the standard references.  Just some
thoughts, not necessarily relevant to CS of course.

- kcrisman

It makes me happy, that I am not the only wicked man to assess Wikipedia critical, see:

Even if the definitions of terms of computer science would be clear you have a tremendous number of possible combinations. There is no clear cut between the features of programming languages, but there are overlapping features and it is said, that there are about 200 Programming languages actively developed. . See the citation Benjamin C. Pierce, (Advanced Types and Programming Languages): "I spent a few weeks... trying to sort out the terminology of "strongly typed," "statically typed," "safe," etc.

I had such boring discussions very often and for instance the one and only argument for Python to be termed "strongly typed" is, that it is not possible to add String and Numbers! (If you have any extended straight proof, why Python is strongly typed, I thank you very, very much for it!! But please not ones that refer to Wikipedia, or the authority "xyz" has said ... I mean hard proofs or arguments in a scientific sense.)

That is mostly the only difference to JavaScript concerning type system, a so called "typeless" prototyped language. Python is not prototype based but class based - would be interesting to convert some code to JavaScript to test the limit. ( I like JavaScript and admire the brilliant code of the tracking analysers.) There is a browser operating system residing in the webborser available as well (http://www.lively-kernel.org/ or try it: http://www.lively-kernel.org/repository/lively-wiki/example.xhtml . needs some time to load!) But that is abit off topic - I know.

Regards BB

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