On 30 Apr., 20:26, bb <bblo...@arcor.de> wrote:
> cch schrieb:
> > To bb;
> >> 1. Is there anywhere a md5 available?
> >> 2. The downlaod has a speed of about 13 KB/s, not a breakneck speed, one
> >> might get it in about 20 hours. Is it possible to copy the iso to
> >> another place with large pipes?
> > 1. Yes, you can also find md5 file in the same directory.
> > 2. At this time, only one light server is working. And I have no idea
> > how to speed up the our apache server.
> > Further introduction for such cdrom:
> > 1). slax is highly sophiscated live system. you can EASILY remaster
> > cdrom to flexible USB system. Just copy all the file into USB stick
> > and execute the following to make USB stick bootable:
> >    a)  /boot/bootinst <USB Disk>               # <USB Disk> is the
> > real name which is regconized by Windows MS system, for instance: d:
> >    b) /boot/bootinst.sh <USB Disk>           # <USB Disk> is the real
> > name which is regconized by Linux, for instance: /dev/sdb1
> > 2). I have also setup up the Sage development environment to build
> > Sage. At the next time, I will support independent sage module for
> > slax Linux. If you make USB Sage system by yourself  from 1), you can
> > upgrade the Sage only by replacing the old Sage module as follows
> > steps:
> >   a) download last Sage module, for instance: sage-x-x.lzm;
> >   b) delete old sage module in /slax/optional/python/ and put the new
> > sage module in the directory. Reboot system to activate the new Sage.
> > 3) Making your own CDROM image: Enter /slax/ directory and execute " ./
> > make_iso.sh /dir/sage.iso". The new image, sage.iso, will be created
> > in /dir/
> > These are benefits from Slax project!
> > However, if you are python users, you can also find several slax
> > modules in:
> >http://diffusion.cgu.edu.tw/ftp/modules/
> > Especially python and cas directory. Integrating them into your system
> > just as the step 2b). And baking.txt in this directory is the making
> > log if you are interested. In my USB stick, I also set up Sage with
> > MayaVi, Scitools, openopt, Axiom, Scilab etc.
> > Hope this note can help the cdrom users.
> > Best Regards,
> > chu-ching huang
> At least I managed the download, so I could try.
> Thanks for that nice distro! Great work!
> Regards BB
> --
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Hi cch and all,

I made the SageLivePup08.iso which is currently offered as Live CD
download from the official mirror. Unfortunatly I was not able to
thoroughly test the last version by myself (I fixed some issues
without beeing able to burn a CD). Since there were no open complaints
in the meantime I guess it is working properly- However it is based on
Sage 4.3.1 - I am not able to keep base with the sage development
cycle because I have limited time budget. Since there are a lot of
other applications in the Live CD (Lyx, Texmacs, Gnumerics, Octave,
Abiword, Jsmathfonts, Browser etc.. ) Memory is very critical and I
got everything into 699 MB of diskspace. However doing so it was
necessary to pack all aplication in one big comressed sfs (squashed
file saystem file). In principle it is possible to define different
modules, lets say a module for sage etc. Disadvantage is that then
compression is not efficient and the programms will need more overall
space. I

Maybe cch can also get an account on boxen math to upload his work
there? If the Live CD version should be up to date with the latest
sage release and he is willing to work on it based on slax this would
be a better solution. I have more time in autumn and winter, but
during spring and summer I am pretty occupied.

Something on uploading with slow connections:
I had problems with uploading over a shaky internet connection to
boxen.math server. Tom Boothby helped me with suggesting the following
method. I post the whole email exchange because it also has a funny(?)

Hi Tom,
 I currently have slow internet connection (over satellite) with long
 ping (ca 900 ms). I try to upload a 700 MB file to e...@boxen.math...
 using scp, but I just get around 10 KB/s. Is there an other
 possibility to upload (maybe ftp?)
 kind regards

 Sorry, we can't do FTP because of security reasons.  Are you on the
 Perhaps you could diff your current version to the previous?

Not really on the moon, but on 2558 m altidude with no cable
Actually the moon would have ping well over 1 sec, since it is 380 000
km away :).
upload stalled at 309 MB, connection reseted by bear.

Never used diff, but my old version is not in my directory.
Better to find an ftp server?

Wow, where are you?  How did a bear get in the way of your satellite
connection -- or have you mistakenly hired one as a networking

I think I have a solution.  It might take some tinkering, but it'll
git 'er done.  First thing to do is to break the file into chunks:

split -b 1M -a 3 foo.tar foo.tar.

This will give you a sequence of files


Then, use rsync to upload the files.  rsync is like scp, but checks to
see if files have already been sent.

rsync foo.tar.* e...@boxen:

Now, cat the files back together.  Bash should do this intelligently:

ssh e...@boxen "cat foo.tar.* > foo.tar; md5sum foo.tar"

and if you get the same checksum as your local copy, clean up...

ssh e...@boxen "rm foo.tar.*"

otherwise, we'll have to force bash to take 'em in the right order,

ssh e...@boxen "echo > foo.tar; for i in \`ls foo.tar.* | sort\`; do
cat $i >> foo.tar; done; md5sum foo.tar"
Good luck!  Thanks for asking, this is a fun problem to work around!

 Lol, Well the bear was actually a funny typo ( I typo a lot).

 Really it was: connection reseted by peer ...

 I'll try your workaround, else I upload to another server.
 I have a webserver which should do ...
 thx for help

Hi Tom,
I followed your instructions and got success. I just needed to
cat foor.tar:*, order was OK. needed me 24 h though.
md5sum is OK
many thanks


kind regards

PS:  have to add that there is an existing dev module also for the
current puppy Linux System Live CD, which can be downloaded

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