> Maybe the problem is that somewhere in the depths of is_perfect, a
> BipartiteGraph is being created without the intention to use it that
> way. Perhaps it is in self.complement(), or some other function that
> is implicitly assuming to use the current class to make a copy, when
> it should be making a copy as a different class. Maybe we just need to
> assume less when creating derived objects...

Nonon, it is just that if you now type g.complement() on a Bipartite
Graph in Sage, you will raise an exception ! My function fails only
when I call it on a bipartite Graph !

sage: g = graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(10,10)
sage: g.complement()
RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/ncohen/<ipython console> in <module>()

in complement(self)
   8497             for v in self:
   8498                 if not self.has_edge(u,v):
-> 8499                     G.add_edge(u,v)
   8500         return G

in add_edge(self, u, v, label)
    690         # check for endpoints in different partitions
    691         if self.left.issuperset((u,v)) or self.right.issuperset((u,v)):
--> 692             raise RuntimeError('Edge vertices must lie in
different partitions.')
    694         # add the edge

RuntimeError: Edge vertices must lie in different partitions.

Obviously, we can not expect the function .complement() in
BipartiteGraph to return a BipartiteGraph (well, I know, if you graph
is the disjoint union of two edges, or a P_4, or ... ). I never
intended my message as a bug report, of course something needs to be
fixed there but the question is rather : what is to be done of this
BipartiteGraph class, and should it be a default one that users could
instantiate without knowing it ? I know where the bug comes from, but
I begin to know Sage's code for graphs, and I reviewed myself the
ticket about edge addition, but there is no way for a normal user to
think of it as something else than a bug in Sage, or a very bad idea
of class design... :-/


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