> Okay, I created a simple application (none of the copyright is set for 
> example) that does the following:
> 1. On launch it runs sage -notebook (which will open the default browser etc. 
> (unless there is a server running))

This would be if one had it in (say) /Applications and double-clicked
a Sage icon?

> 2. It only appears as a menu extra which allows opening notebooks, the log, 
> and several shell sessions (am I missing anything -- reveal SAGE_ROOT in 
> Finder perhaps?).

I'm not sure exactly what this means.  I see the screenshot... but
does that mean it doesn't appear in the Dock?  This seems
counterintuitive to me; for instance, ideally one should be able to
drag and drop a .sws file onto it (eventually, not immediately).

I really like the many options, though, and opening SAGE_ROOT in the
Finder would be quite useful.

> 3. On quit it stops the server (should there be an option to quit without 
> stopping the server?).

Probably not at this point.  It's supposed to be for those not
interested in the command line, though of course usable by all.

> If you want to try it, I have put it up 
> athttp://math.byu.edu/~gvol/files/SageMenu.zip
> and a screen shot athttp://math.byu.edu/~gvol/files/sage-menu-screenshot.png
> For testing purposes it creates a symlink in Contents/Resources/ to a local 
> sage root directory.  In the distributed version I imagine that the sage root 
> would reside there (like it does in the app created currently).  Because of 
> this, if you have problems running, it may be that sage is not in your path.  
> If this is the case then you will need to edit  Targets > SageMenu > Run 
> Script  and change the default sage root directory.
> Right now I created it completely outside of Sage, but I can of course 
> replace the app that is in Sage, or add this in addition.  Does anyone prefer 
> the application that is currently created?  Obviously sage -bdist will have 
> to be changed as well, but that shouldn't be hard.

I will at least test it out... I think that having something that
'looks' as much like other math software does in Mac (including Mac-
native Grapher) is important.  Right now, even if I put the contents
of SageMenu in an app bundle (inside of Contents/Resources) it doesn't
want to start (perhaps not surprisingly, since there isn't a MacOS
directory?). Do the menu items have a different folder structure?

> Phew.  I don't know why my emails always turn out to be novels.

But that is good!  As much detail as possible for those of us who
otherwise would be completely lost.  Thanks for this work; having
something with all code visible will be great.

- kcrisman

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