On Jun 21, 2010, at 8:34 AM, kcrisman wrote:
>> Okay, I created a simple application (none of the copyright is set for 
>> example) that does the following:
>> 1. On launch it runs sage -notebook (which will open the default browser 
>> etc. (unless there is a server running))
> This would be if one had it in (say) /Applications and double-clicked
> a Sage icon?


>> 2. It only appears as a menu extra which allows opening notebooks, the log, 
>> and several shell sessions (am I missing anything -- reveal SAGE_ROOT in 
>> Finder perhaps?).
> I'm not sure exactly what this means.  I see the screenshot... but
> does that mean it doesn't appear in the Dock?  This seems
> counterintuitive to me; for instance, ideally one should be able to
> drag and drop a .sws file onto it (eventually, not immediately).

It doesn't show up in the dock.  That's easy to change though, it's just a 
little weird since I haven't hooked up any menus etc.  To change it, edit 
SageMenu-Info.plist (e.g. in Xcode under Resources), and change "Application is 
agent (UIElement)" to be unchecked.

> I really like the many options, though, and opening SAGE_ROOT in the
> Finder would be quite useful.

Okay, I'll add that when I have some time.  Any other suggestions?

>> 3. On quit it stops the server (should there be an option to quit without 
>> stopping the server?).
> Probably not at this point.  It's supposed to be for those not
> interested in the command line, though of course usable by all.

That's kind of what I was thinking.

>> If you want to try it, I have put it up 
>> athttp://math.byu.edu/~gvol/files/SageMenu.zip
>> and a screen shot athttp://math.byu.edu/~gvol/files/sage-menu-screenshot.png
>> For testing purposes it creates a symlink in Contents/Resources/ to a local 
>> sage root directory.  In the distributed version I imagine that the sage 
>> root would reside there (like it does in the app created currently).  
>> Because of this, if you have problems running, it may be that sage is not in 
>> your path.  If this is the case then you will need to edit  Targets > 
>> SageMenu > Run Script  and change the default sage root directory.
>> Right now I created it completely outside of Sage, but I can of course 
>> replace the app that is in Sage, or add this in addition.  Does anyone 
>> prefer the application that is currently created?  Obviously sage -bdist 
>> will have to be changed as well, but that shouldn't be hard.
> I will at least test it out... I think that having something that
> 'looks' as much like other math software does in Mac (including Mac-
> native Grapher) is important.  Right now, even if I put the contents
> of SageMenu in an app bundle (inside of Contents/Resources) it doesn't
> want to start (perhaps not surprisingly, since there isn't a MacOS
> directory?). Do the menu items have a different folder structure?

Oh sorry, I forgot to mention the very important point that it's only the 
source.  I didn't want to worry about creating a universal binary, 32 vs 64 bit 
etc.  Open the SageMenu.xcodeproj in Xcode and click the Build & Run button.  I 
always forget some "minor detail", sorry.


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