If G is a graph and A = G.am() is its adjacency matrix and B =
G.complement().am() is
the adjacency matrix of its complement, then A+B should be a 01-
matrix. The code below
shows that sage does not always share this viewpoint.


##  | Sage Version 4.4.4, Release Date:
2010-06-23                       |
##  | Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for
information.        |
##  sage: load whine.sage
##  sage: mcl = McL()
##  sage: A = mcl.am()
##  sage: B = mcl.complement().am()
##  sage: A.fcp()
## These are what they should be
##  (x - 112) * (x + 28)^22 * (x - 2)^252
##  sage: B.fcp()
##  (x - 162) * (x - 27)^22 * (x + 3)^252
## Here's the problem: C should be a 01-matrix (in fact it should be J-
##  sage: C = A+B
##  sage: max(C[0].list())
##  2
## If use mcl.relabel() before computing A and B, there are no
problems. So its the
## complicated vertices that are causing the problem, I expect.

## Here's the content of whine.sage:

def switch(G,sub):
        H = G.copy()
        rest = Set(H.vertices()).difference(Set(sub))
        for u in sub:
                for v in rest:
                        if H.has_edge(u,v): H.delete_edge(u,v)
                        else: H.add_edge(u,v)
        return H

def McL():
    C = ExtendedBinaryGolayCode()
    D = C.punctured([0])
    words = [ Set(it.support()) for it in D if hamming_weight(it)==7]
    MG = Graph( [words, lambda a,b: len(a.intersection(b))==1])
    MM = MG.copy()
    edges = [ (i,a) for i in [0..22] for a in words if i not in a]
    MM.add_edges( edges)
    McL = switch( MM, MM[0])
    return McL

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