
So you want Sage Sets to implement "a < b" to mean "a is a subset of
b"? I'll admit that that is reasonable, and it is a fact that it
follows Python convention. But I think that the Python convention is
bizarre, especially given how they implement sorting lists. I would
also rather the sort function return an error than being undefined,
but as far as I can tell, this "feature" is here to stay. (Actually I
think it would be nice if sorted(L) returned a sort of L, but clearly
that's too much to ask.) I took a look at Python 3.0 and the situation
gets more extreme. Heterogeneous arrays are no longer sortable at all,
and sorted() still uses "<", which is still "subset" for sets. So the
Python devs are valuing sorting less and less and less.

In Sage, we have a bizarre mixture. Python sets act as above. Sage
sets have the horrible A < B unless A = B. Subspaces of a vector
space, however, order lexiographically, and not by inclusion. The
reasons given being a justification for that. I have to say I disagree
with the implicit statement I am reading in your message which is that
"<" can only be "decidedly mathematical" if we define it to mean
subset. Groebner bases are also decidedly mathematical, and define all
sorts of arbitrary total orderings...

Maybe if I explain the use cases I have in mind you will have more
sympathy, or maybe someone can suggest a good long term solution. Many
graphs in algebraic graph theory have interesting vertex sets. Some
can be collections of subsets of a certain set, or subspaces of a
certain space, or even more crazily, sets of sets. As it is right now,
Sage graphs allow anything hashable as vertices, with no restrictions.
I view this as important, since graphs themselves are very flexible
mathematical objects. For things like the adjacency matrix, having a
consistent if arbitrary total ordering of the vertices is important.
Now if we allow Sage objects to implement total orderings in general,
then we can just note to avoid using Python sets as vertex sets, since
we can't do anything about that.

On the other hand, if the __lt__ etc. methods implement orderings that
aren't total orderings, sorting gets very messy. In particular, users
will be complaining about all sorts of Sage objects falling into the
same trap where sorted(L) returns a list which isn't consistent. (Or
maybe I'm the only person here who cares...)

As a thought exercise, let's persue the partial ordering idea, fixing
Python's frozensets as our vertices. (Frozen so that they can hash,
Python so that we can't really change the "<" convention even if we
wanted to.) Imagine the following situation. We want to define a
consistent ordering on the vertices, so we use their hashes. Now, we
come to a collision. What to do next? We need to define *some*
consistent ordering so that operations like adjacency matrix, etc.
give consistent, sensical answers. It is not clear to me what to do
when we get hash collisions.

Furthermore, Sage graphs will vastly slow down if we implement a
custom sorting function which tries to deal with this case by case.

On another angle, Python has clearly dealt with this problem
internally, but they don't seem willing to share this with their
users. Python sets must contain only hashable elements. This is
because Python is using hashes to test containment and equality. I
love this kind of stuff
>>> sorted(  [ frozenset([2,3]), frozenset([1,2]) ]  )
[frozenset([2, 3]), frozenset([1, 2])]
>>> sorted(  [ frozenset([1,2]), frozenset([2,3]) ]  )
[frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([2, 3])]
>>> sorted(  set( [ frozenset([1,2]), frozenset([2,3]) ] )  )
[frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([2, 3])]
>>> sorted(  set( [ frozenset([2,3]), frozenset([1,2]) ] )  )
[frozenset([1, 2]), frozenset([2, 3])]

But, they don't seem to have *acutally* dealt with the problem:
>>> a = frozenset([1,2])
>>> b = frozenset([2,3])
>>> c = frozenset([3,4])
>>> A = frozenset([a,b])
>>> B = frozenset([b,c])
>>> sorted(set([A,B])) == [A,B]
>>> sorted(set([B,A])) == [B,A]

So, given that we want to have graphs whose vertex sets are sets, or
subspaces, what is to be done? I don't want to implement sorting of
every different type of object in the graph code, I'd much rather have
things be sane from the start.

Robert L. Miller

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