how do you get the new canvas with matplotlib 1.0? I installed it
today, but from matplotlib.rcsetup.all_backends I don't get any item
which looks like html5 canvas


On 14 Lug, 10:03, William Stein <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Maurizio <> wrote:
> > Hi
> >> Very interesting.
> >> 1. How does the speed of the Sage notebook running locally on your
> >> computer compare to Spyder locally on your computer?
> > I don't think they can be comparable, doing so different functions...
> > Anyway I always use notebook from a server in the local network (which
> > is anyway pretty fast). And I still fear that my python installation
> > in the windows virtual machine is somehow broken because the ipython
> > console is much slower than the plain python console. By the way, some
> > time ago we managed to run spyder letting it use the sage console as
> > interpreter, which was kind of fun, but never used it extensively.
> > Basically what we did was to install spyder on the server hosting
> > SAGE, and then running Spyder logging on that machine from our
> > workstation and exporting the display. That has been a very
> > interesting experiments, but later I had little occasion to use it,
> > and the notebook is still more comfortable for touch and go.
> >> 2. Are the plotting issues you mention the result of Spyder embedding
> >> static png images (like the sage notebook does) or something more
> >> subtle.  The sage notebook might switch to HTML5 canvas rendering
> >> soon....  I say might, because after having tried it a bunch, I'm
> >> seriously concerned that HTML5 canvas matplotlib is slow --
> >> surprisingly, maybe much slower than using png's and image maps, which
> >> we should have at least enabled long ago.
> > Yes, they embed static png images with image maps (if I understand
> > what you refer to), which is standard matplotlib output nicely put
> > inside a Spyder subwindow. The problem is that I strongly dislike this
> > output form, I consider it like a fake form of interaction. Some time
> > ago, we were considering to spend a little amount of time in writing a
> > HTML5 canvas for matplotlib, but we stopped because of (apart not
> > knowing how to interface with a server) doubts about matplotlib
> > structure.
> As of matplotlib-1.0, there is now an HTML5 canvas for matplotlib.  I
> played around with it a bunch on Sunday. It'll be in Sage soon enough.
> > What I mean is that matplotlib is designed so that its
> > canvas is just translating a bunch of lines and points and other
> > graphical objects into something that is understood by the target
> > viewer. To enhance real interaction, IMHO, the best way would be to
> > pass to the viewer also an idea of the hierarchical structure of the
> > plot, so that the viewer by itself is capable of changing basic
> > properties like "axis visibiliy", "plot line colour", etc. At this
> > point, I hope we were wrong and that HTML5 canvas that has been
> > developed can overcome these problems. Anyway, I think that doing
> > everything on the server side and letting the client only plot the
> > received data may be too much communication overhead, while there are
> > a number of different javascript viewers which are pretty powerful and
> > fast.
> >> 3. I have talked with people about making a Matlab-clone-ish version
> >> of the Sage notebook. This would be web-based, but instead of feeling
> >> Mathematica-like, it would feel much more Matlab-like.    Thoughts?
> > I think that SAGE-python can be easily accepted by Matlab users
> > because of intrinsic similarity of scripting language structure,
> > console interaction, and stuff like that. The problem is that Matlab
> > is very reliable for operations like vector manipulation (which
> > require additional interaction with numpy in SAGE), data analysis
> > (there are many potential toolboxes in scipy) and symbolic analysis
> > (for which SAGE is growing, but still very far from industrial-level
> > reliability).
> > On the filter design side, I agree that is very useful and often used,
> > and I can tell that scipy has the signal toolbox which incorporates
> > some functions to do this. I think that most of the engineering
> > appealing that SAGE can show is currently strongly supported by numpy/
> > scipy power: if SAGE can be better integrated with them, and if we can
> > improve their functions, things will improve for engineers.
> > At the moment, there may be very little advantage of using SAGE
> > instead of plain python to interface with numpy/scipy, which are
> > anyway the core toolboxes needed.
> Yes, that's what engineers think.
> --
> William Stein
> Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington

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