On 2010-Jul-17 08:52:49 +0100, "Dr. David Kirkby" <david.kir...@onetel.net> 
>I don't know if you have every written multi-threaded code, but it is 
>non-trivial and very easy to make a mistake. Experience shows me that those 
>mistakes show up on on one platform only. It's hard enough to track the bug if 
>you wrote the code yourself, since the bugs are not always reproducible. It 
>would be 100x harder if someone else had written the code.

Multi-threaded bugs often manifest as race conditions - which are
notoriously hard to track down.

>So IMHO, it would be unwise to *only* have an ability to set the number of 
>threads globally. What may be more useful, is an ability to set the number of
>threads globally, but have the ability to override that for particular cases.

How about an extension to the standard environment variable parsing
so that SAGE_FOO_bar is equivalent to (and overrides) SAGE_FOO in
package 'bar' only?  This allows variables to be overridden for
specific packages without having to explicitly define lots of
specific environment variables.

Assuming $pkg contains the package name, you can assign the result
to 'FOO' with:
   eval FOO="\${SAGE_FOO_$pkg:-$SAGE_FOO}"

Peter Jeremy

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