Dear all,

A mere two years after ticket #4000 was opened on trac and a little
work during Sage Days 24 in Linz, there is now a set of patches (ready
for review!) attached to the ticket that provides an implementation of
QQ[] via FLINT 1.

This note's main purpose is to let everyone know about this possible
improvement and to provide some advertisement in the form of a small
selection of performance comparisons.  I am hoping this will generate
further interest in the ticket and accelerate the review process.

For the comparisons, I have chosen four operations:  addition and
multiplication (basic arithmetic), greatest common divisor (used in
fraction fields, in particular), and element initialization from lists
(used in many places).  The bottom line is that the "simple"
operations addition and initialization require a comparable amount of
time, whereas the operations multiplication and gcd are much faster in
the new implementation (using FLINT), even more so as the degrees of
the polynomials considered increase.

I'm looking forward to your comments and suggestions,



    sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
    sage: f = R.random_element(10)
    sage: g = R.random_element(10)
    sage: timeit('f + g')

deg(f)  10       50       100      500      1000    4000
Old     18.1 µs  24.4 µs  32.7 µs  98.1 µs  186 µs  706 µs
New     4.56 µs  9.16 µs  22.4 µs  198 µs   377 µs  2.25 ms


    sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
    sage: f = R.random_element(10)
    sage: g = R.random_element(10)
    sage: timeit('f * g')

deg(f)  10       50       100      500      1000    4000
Old     101 µs   828 µs   2.99 ms  48.9 ms  177 ms  2.09 s
New     5.98 µs  26.5 µs  80.5 µs  1.78 ms  5.2 ms  48 ms


    sage: R.<t> = QQ[]
    sage: f = R.random_element(10)
    sage: g = R.random_element(floor( / sqrt(2)))
    sage: timeit('f.gcd(g)')

deg(f)  10       50       100     500        1000     4000
Old     1.01 ms  1.78 s   36.5 s  > 30 mins  ??       ??
New     16.1 µs  54.8 µs  133 µs  5.92 ms    17.6 ms  373 ms

Initialization from list

    sage: R.<t> = QQ
    sage: L = [QQ.random_element() for i in range(10)]
    sage: timeit('R(L)')

len(f)  10       50       100      500      1000     4000
Old     71.4 µs  164 µs   276 µs   1.12 ms  2.16 ms  8.59 ms
New     20.5 µs  41.2 µs  64.3 µs  262 µs   520 µs   2.02 ms

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