
On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 10:02:05 -0700 (PDT), Vincent D <20100.delecr...@gmail.com> 
> I'm working on arithmetic subgroup in sage.modular.arithgroup
> especially on arithgroup_perm, and I do not know what does the method
> __cmp__ must do (it is not specified in sage.groups.group.Group where
> I guess it is the right place):
>    * equality and inclusions? In this case, the given implementations
> of Gamma, Gamma0 and Gamma1 fail because of the class
> ArithmeticSubgroup_perm which can potentially represent any subgroup
> of SL(2,Z). But, this latter class has the advantage that any
> implementation of an arithmetic group can be converted into it (from a
> coset graph) and then be compared.

This is a thorny issue which I would let others address (what should
happen if G and H are not mathematically comparable?  raise error?
return -1?  and there are changes in the comparison philosophy between
python 2 and python 3).

> Other way, I would like to have advices on the best names for the
> following methods:
>   * adding minus identity to a subgroup to get an even subgroup?
> (.to_even_subgroup)

An option to this would be to make it into a method of the ambient group
(which is SL(2,Z) in your case but could be more general).  By this I
mean something like

S = SL2Z()
H = <your favorite subgroup>
E = S.even_subgroup(H)

where the last thing would return the smallest even subgroup containing

Of course, if you got H without having explicitly defined S, this means
that you would have to do something like

E = H.ambient_group().even_subgroup(H)

I don't have strong opinions about this, just wanted to suggest the

>   * commensurability? (.is_commensurable)

Sounds good to me.

>   * conjugacy of subgroups in SL(2,Z)? (.is_conjugate) there could be
> a conflict between conjugacy of elements and conjugation of
> subgroups...

I don't think there would be a conflict, because these would be methods
of different classes: H.is_conjugate(N) would give conjugacy of
subgroups as H would be a subgroup; g.is_conjugate(x) would be conjugacy
of elements since g is a group element.


Alex Ghitza -- http://aghitza.org/
Lecturer in Mathematics -- The University of Melbourne -- Australia

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