Tanks for answers!

> > > I'm working on arithmetic subgroup in sage.modular.arithgroup
> > > especially on arithgroup_perm, and I do not know what does the method
> > > __cmp__ must do (it is not specified in sage.groups.group.Group where
> > > I guess it is the right place):
> > >    * equality and inclusions? In this case, the given implementations
> > > of Gamma, Gamma0 and Gamma1 fail because of the class
> > > ArithmeticSubgroup_perm which can potentially represent any subgroup
> > > of SL(2,Z). But, this latter class has the advantage that any
> > > implementation of an arithmetic group can be converted into it (from a
> > > coset graph) and then be compared.
> > This is a thorny issue which I would let others address (what should
> > happen if G and H are not mathematically comparable?  raise error?
> > return -1?  and there are changes in the comparison philosophy between
> > python 2 and python 3).
> As Alex said, __cmp__ is a bit of a can of worms. It certainly isn't
> supposed to return any kind of mathematically meaningful result, but
> it's intended that *any* two Sage objects can be compared; so trying
> to make it test for inclusion etc wouldn't be a good idea. (Is
> Gamma0(7) greater than or less than RR[X, Y]? Don't lose too much
> sleep over this one.)

I would like to get something like NotImplementedError if there is no
known comparison (in which case python try to search elsewhere if
there is a possibility). Both of the following command should return
False or raise an error like "NotKnownComparison"

sage: Gamma0(7) < PolynomialRing(RR,'a')
sage: PolynomialRing(RR,'a') < Gamma0(7)

but this is not the case...

The question looks like the one which was pointed out in thread
[complementary problem]: having two *Sage Parent* coercible into a set
A and B does A.__lt__(B) means strict inclusion of the underlying set?
(is this documented anywhere in Sage?)

> > > Other way, I would like to have advices on the best names for the
> > > following methods:
> > >   * adding minus identity to a subgroup to get an even subgroup?
> > > (.to_even_subgroup)
> I would have thought that the right place to put this would be the
> ArithmeticSubgroup base class, with various specific implementations
> in derived classes as appropriate.
> > Of course, if you got H without having explicitly defined S, this means
> > that you would have to do something like
> > E = H.ambient_group().even_subgroup(H)
> > I don't have strong opinions about this, just wanted to suggest the
> > alternative.
> I do -- it's disgusting :-)

> > >   * commensurability? (.is_commensurable)
> > Sounds good to me.
> Sounds pointless to me, because ArithmeticSubgroups are all
> commensurable with each other by definition!

Right! Good point! But there are infinite group with which we can
compute things: finitely generated ones (and not especially co-
finite)... for the future.
I have also examples of subgroups of SL(2,Z) defined by kernel and
intersection which are neither finitely generated nor co-finite but
which are of interest and for which one can answer to the questions:
   * is x in G (so one can enumerate elements)
   * which power of x are in G
   * is a conjugate of x in G

> > >   * conjugacy of subgroups in SL(2,Z)? (.is_conjugate) there could be
> > > a conflict between conjugacy of elements and conjugation of
> > > subgroups...
> > I don't think there would be a conflict, because these would be methods
> > of different classes: H.is_conjugate(N) would give conjugacy of
> > subgroups as H would be a subgroup; g.is_conjugate(x) would be conjugacy
> > of elements since g is a group element.
> +1.

OK. for this question it seems that everybody agree
  .is_conjugate for a group as a subgroup of an ambient group means
conjugacy in the ambient group. But it seems that there is no generic
class for subgroups, is it?
  .is_conjugate for element of a group means conjugacy inside the
group. In which case we need to document it somewhere in the base
class MultiplicativeGroupElement?

  [complementary problem]

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